mutations, or cancer [3-125]. The metallic elements that are released from oral
implants have been detected in the tongue [3-124], the saliva [3-126], and in the
gums adjacent to these alloys [3-127, 3-128]. However, it is not a case of a local
problem but a general one due to their diffusion throughout the whole organism.
The ions are conducted and can be excreted in part or entirely, or they may be
accumulated selectively at the level of certain tissues [3-116, 3-121]. The harmful
effects of certain metals and metallic composite materials were made clear in the
epidemiological studies carried out by the nickel, chromium, cobalt, and copper
industries and confirm that the action of metals in the form of ions, particles, and
soluble or insoluble salts act at the cellular membrane level [3-129]. Metals from
orthopedic implants are released into surrounding tissue by various mechanisms,
including corrosion, wear, and mechanically accelerated electrochemical
processes, such as stress implant failure, osteolysis, cutaneous allergic reactions,
and remote site accumulation. Okazaki et al. [3-129] investigated the metal ion
release from 316L stainless steel, Co-Cr-Mo, CpTi (grade 2), Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-
7Nb, Ti-15Zr-4Nb-4Ta at 37
C in PBS solution, 0.9% NaCl aqueous solution,
L-cysteine solution, 1% lactic acid solution, and 0.01% HCl solution. It was
concluded that (i) the quantity of Co released from the Co-Cr-Mo casting alloys
was relatively small in all the solutions, (ii) the quantities of Ti released into PBS,
calf serum, 0.9% NaCl and artificial saliva were much lower than those released
into 1.2%
L-cysteine, 1% lactic acid, and 0.01% HCl, (iii) the quantity of Al
released from the Ti alloys gradually decreased with increasing pH, and a small
amount of V was released into calf serum, PBS, artificial saliva, 1% lactic acid,
and 0.01% HCl, and (iv) Ti-15Zr-4Nb-4Ta alloy, with its low metal release, is con-
sidered advantageous for long-term implants [3-129].
Ti-based implant materials show very high resistance to pitting corrosion in
physiological solutions because of their state of passivity [3-130, 3-131]. The
effect of temperature on the nucleation of corrosion pits on CpTi in Ringer’s solu-
tion was investigated. Breakdown of the passivity (or transpassivation) of CpTi by
nucleation of corrosion pits occurs in Ringer’s solution at quite modest electrode
potentials. It was reported that (i) the frequency of breakdown is very low at ambi-
ent temperature, but increases significantly with an increase in temperature (e.g.,
20 → 37 → 50
C), and (ii) the very slow overall release rate estimated from the
data is consistent with previously measured release rates [3-130]. The vanadium-
free Ti-15Zr-4Nb-4Ta alloy, containing 0.2Pd and Ti-6Al-4V ELI, were implanted
in rat tibiae for 6⫺48 weeks. It was found that (i) the number of corrosion pits
observed at the Ti-6-Al-4V ELI alloy surface tended to be slightly more than that
of the Ti-15Zr-4Nb-4Ta alloy implant, and (ii) the concentrations of metal ele-
ments in the bone tissue containing the new bone tended to increase slightly more
than in bones without the implants [3-132].
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