Under a combination of materials (CpTi, Ti-6Al-4V, 17-4 PH-type stainless
steel, 70Ni-15Cr-5Mo alloy, type IV (70Au-10Ag-15Cu) gold alloy, and
Disperalloy dental amalgam) and dental treatment agents (artificial saliva solu-
tion, NaF-containing solution, SnF
-containing solution, acidulated phosphate
fluoride (APF) and carbamide peroxide solution) [3-17], electrochemical polar-
ization tests were conducted to evaluate their corrosion resistance. It was found
that (i) the V/Al elemental ratios of Ti-6Al-4V brackets were not significantly dif-
ferent between a sound structure (0.526±0.031) and an irregularly attacked struc-
ture (0.533±0.026) after treatment in SnF
-contaning agent and APF agents, (ii)
with the same treatments as (i), Cr/Fe ratios of 17-4 (17Cr-4Ni-79Fe) stainless
steel brackets were significantly different between sound structure
(0.246⫾0.007) and intergranularly damaged structures (0.177⫾0.003), indicat-
ing the 17-4 stainless steel suffered from the localized Cr depletion, (iii) no sta-
ble passivation stages were observed on both Ti-6Al-4V alloy and 17-4 stainless
steels under the anodic polarization in the APF agents, and (iv) no stable passi-
vation was established with all tested alloys when polarized in carbamide perox-
ide solution. Hence, it was concluded that, although fluoride and bleaching
treatments are indicated for patients, it was proven that these treatments are con-
tra-indicated for dental metallic materials [3-17, 3-19, 3-29, 3-30]. Yoon et al.
tested CpTi, Ti-6Al-4V, and NiTi in 2% NaF electrolyte, containing 1⫺20 ppm
fluorine ion. It was reported that CpTi and Ti-6Al-4V showed similar current den-
sity, whereas NiTi had higher current density (meaning less corrosion resistance)
than the other two alloys [3-31].
The corrosion behaviors of CpTi, Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-7Nb, and the new exper-
imental alloys Ti-Pt (0.1⫺2 w/o) and Ti-Pd (0.1⫺2 w/o) were investigated using
anodic polarization and corrosion potential measurements in an environment
containing 0.2% NaF (905 ppm F) adjusted to the pH of 4 by H
at 37
C. It
was found that, although the surfaces of the Ti-Pt and Ti-Pd alloys were not
affected by an acidic environment containing fluoride, the surfaces of the CpTi,
Ti-6Al-4V, and Ti-6Al-7Nb were markedly roughened by corrosion, providing
artifact discolored appearance, too. It was also reported that (i) the surfaces of
CpTi, Ti-6Al-4V, and Ti-6Al-7Nb were microscopically damaged by corrosion
when they were immersed in the solution containing a low concentration of dis-
solved oxygen, even with a fluoride concentration included in the commercial
dentifrices, but (ii) in this situation, the surfaces of the new Ti-Pt and Ti-Pd
alloys were not affected. As a result, it was suggested that Ti-Pt and Ti-Pd alloys
are expected to be of use in dental work as new titanium alloys with high corro-
sion resistance [3-32].
During the course of the fluoride corrosion process, hydrogen as a reaction prod-
uct may cause a delayed fracture, similar to a well-known hydrogen embrittlement
Chemical and Electrochemical Reactions 29
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