Fluorinated Moieties for Replacement of Amide and Peptide Bonds 267
A facile synthesis of fl uoro - olefi ns through Pd(0) - catalyzed reductive defl uorination
of allylic gem - difl uorides, in particular γ , γ - difl uoro - α , β - enoates was recently reported (see
Scheme 10.16 ) [26] . Stereoselectivities were moderate to high ( E : Z = 1 : 1 – 1 : 9).
The reductive defl uorination – alkylation method shown in Scheme 10.12 was success-
fully applied to the synthesis of N - Boc - Sta - Ψ [CF = CH] - Ala ethyl ester 51 , which mimics
the central Sta - Ala unit of pepstatin, a naturally occurring inhibitor of aspartyl proteases
including renin, pepsin, HIV - 1 and HIV - 2 proteases (see Figure 10.3 ) [27] .
γ , γ - Difl uoro - α , β - enoate 56 , the key substrate for the reductive defl uorination – alkyla-
tion reaction, was synthesized in optically pure form using N - Boc leucinol 52 as the start-
ing material (see Scheme 10.17 ). The Reformatsky reaction of bromodifl uoroacetate with
aldehyde 53 , having natural statin confi guration, gave a 3 : 1 diastereomeric mixture of β -
hydroxy ester 54 , which was subjected to radical deoxygenation reaction to give difl uoro
ester 55 . DIBAL reduction of 55 , followed by the HWE reaction using phosphonoacetate
provided the key substrate 56 .
As expected, Me
CuLi - mediated reductive defl uorination of 56 and subsequent meth-
ylation with methyl iodide proceeded smoothly to give methylated product 57 in 96%
yield. Regarding the stereoselectivity, a moderate Z - selectivity ( Z : E = 6.4 : 1) was observed
for the olefi n moiety, but the C - 2 - methylation proceeded in nonselective manner. Fortu-
nately, two diastereomers were readily separable by medium - pressure liquid chromatog-
raphy (MPLC) as shown in Scheme 10.18 . Structural assignments were made based on
the x - ray crystallographic analysis of (2 S ) - 57 .
As described above, an organocopper reagent derived from alkyl lithium, such as
CuLi, readily reacts with γ , γ - difl uoro - α , β - enoate 42 to form a reductive defl uorinated
metal species 43 , exclusively (see Scheme 10.12 ). To facilitate the reactivity of fl uorine
as a leaving group, we also investigated the effects of alkylaluminum on this reaction as
Scheme 10.16
Figure 10.3 Pepstatin and Sta - ψ [CF = CH] - Ala.