then it is easier and frequently of more practical interest to restrict attention to
monochromatic waves in the frequency domain by writing the dependent variables
as functions proportional to a-i' t, say 180 We did that for the scalar wave equa-
tion in §§5.1.5 and 8.1, and some of the ideas in those sections carry over to the
vector case. However, many fascinating problems arise, such as the question of
propagation through periodic media. As mentioned in §4.5.4, in one dimension
this leads to the notions of pass and stop bands bounded by eigenvalues of a pe-
riodic Sturm-Liouville problem, but this framework relies on the well-developed
Floquet theory for odes with periodic coefficients. It is much harder to understand
multidimensional configurations of this kind because of the geometric complexity
of the waves as they reflect from each periodic cell boundary. It is a great pity
that we cannot discuss this further here because of the fundamental importance
of wave propagation in crystal lattices.
Another issue that arises when we consider problems in the frequency domain
for unbounded wave-bearing media that are uniform at large distances is the ques-
tion of the radiation conditions that generalise the Sommerfeld condition (5.75)
which was so vital in ensuring uniqueness for scalar problems. For example, for
Maxwell's equations (see §4.7.2) we may suppose that the leading-order far-field
radiation due to any bounded source of non-zero intensity decays with distance
in proportion to e'kr/r (or eikr/f in two dimensions), where k = w/c is the
wavenumber. Now all electromagnetic waves are transverse waves in the sense that
the directions of the fields E and H are perpendicular to the direction of propaga-
tion of any wave; this is a trivial consequence of (4.82) in the frequency domain,
because, when we seek such solutions in which E = E(k r) and H = H(k r),
both E and H are clearly perpendicular to r. Hence we may write that, at large
distances, where k and r are nearly parallel,
eikr eikr
r r
where e and h are both azimuthal and are independent of r to lowest order.
Then (4.82), suitably scaled, gives at once the radiation conditions
O= VAE-iwH.i(kAe-wh) =ol 1 1
O= V AH+iwE.i(kAh+we) = o 11)
Similarly, in elasticity, the wave equations (4.73) imply that, far from any
bounded region of sources, u decays like uoeikr/r, where again k is radial. As
expected, we find that either
k = k
uo k, = 0
and w2 =
'80Such waves can always be superimposed to generate solutions in the time domain, but this
may be easier said than done.