well. However, there is a catch here because we can only use (7.80) on the un-
constrained version of (7.27) in which the sign of c is not specified, rather than
the nicely-behaved constrained problem that can be written as (7.77) and (7.78).
In fact, we have indicated that, in two space dimensions, the Stefan problem can
behave very badly, and hence so can the unconstrained oxygen consumption prob-
lem. Yet the constrained oxygen consumption problem has perfectly good exis-
tence, uniqueness and continuous-dependence properties, at least as far as weak
solutions are concerned.
The complementarity approach can also be applied to some other models de-
scribed in the introduction, such as the dead core model mentioned in §5.11.3.
Equally, for the American option model a simple calculation shows that
at + 2QZsZ
r (v
- s
J .
In financial terms, this is a natural requirement which says that the return on
a perfectly hedged option portfolio (the left-hand side) is never more than the
risk-free rate on the same portfolio (the right-hand side). If it is optimal to hold
the option, we have equality, but if we are in the exercise region it is suboptimal
to hold the option and so the return on the hedged portfolio is less than the
risk-free rate. This inequality can be used with the condition V >, max(E - S, 0)
and the fact that, whatever S, one or other of these inequalities is an equality, to
make a linear complementarity statement [47]. This in turn can be shown to imply
the smoothness condition that 8V/8S is continuous at the free boundary, i.e. the
classical free boundary conditions (7.20) hold (see Exercise 7.5).149
As our final example, we return to the smooth elastic contact problems men-
tioned in § Amazingly, they can all be formulated as variational inequalities
because, first, the elastic energy is minimised over the three-dimensional bulk of
the contacting solids, the Euler-Lagrange equations being (4.73) with 8/8t = 0;
second, the normal displacement and tractions are continuous (the tangential trac-
tion is zero) on the contact region, which to lowest order lies in a prescribed surface
S and is bounded by the one-dimensional free boundary r; third, no traction is
applied on S outside the constant region. The reason that this is a variational
inequality is now clear: on one side of r, conventional boundary conditions are
prescribed and, on the other side, the no-traction condition is the natural bound-
ary condition [12] for the elastic energy. Put crudely, the variational inequality
is clever enough to select that curve r on which the boundary conditions can
switch from contact conditions to natural boundary conditions with the requisite
smoothness, just as it does for the American option.
In summary, it is a red-letter day when a free boundary problem can be cast into
a variational formulation. Not only does this usually mean that rigorous statements
can be made about existence and uniqueness of a generalised solution, but the
numerical calculation of this solution can be relatively trivial. For example, for the
vector linear complementarity problem
1491n this respect the no-arbitrage condition acts rather like the second law of thermodynamics.