[kVu n]
iiquid = _pLv,,.
Note that, if we write r as f (x, y, z, t) = 0, then n = V f / IV f I and
11V A I.
The condition (7.4) is the `extra' information referred to above; if L = 0 and there
is no phase change, we can simply read off IF as the isotherm u = u,,,.
This model is very simplistic and we need to make several remarks. First, we
have made no comment about whether or not u > u,,, in the liquid or u < u,,, in the
solid. We will see later that the question of whether these inequalities hold or not
has far-reaching implications for the mathematical structure of the model. Second,
the model is a gross simplification of what happens in most practical melting or
freezing situations, because we have neglected many important phenomena such
as convection, radiation and, most of all, the presence of impurities. The latter is
one of the reasons why um should not necessarily be thought of as a prescribed
constant, and it can be shown that even small variations in u,,, can drastically alter
the predictions.134 Nonetheless, the Stefan problem is challenging mathematically
and at once reveals all the nonlinearity inherent in any free boundary problem.
Even though the field equation (7.1) is linear, we can never superimpose two
solutions of a free boundary problem and hope to generate a third because their
domains of definition are different, and this neutralises many of the techniques we
have been describing in previous chapters. In fact, the only obvious simplification
we are ever likely to be able to make to a Stefan problem is to consider its 'one-
phase' specialisation. If, say, the ice is at u =_ u,,, - 0 or the water at u =_ u, + 0,
then clearly we need only solve on one side of IF, which may ease our computational
task. Any free boundary problem in which the solution is trivial on one side of the
free boundary will henceforth be referred to as one-phase.
There are many, many models related to the Stefan problem.135 Suppose, for
example, we neglect the specific heat term, i.e. the left-hand side of (7.1), still of
course retaining the time derivative in (7.5), and also consider a one-phase problem.
This leaves us with the Hele-Shaw free boundary problem in the theory of viscous
flow. The basic idea of its derivation there is as follows. Viscous fluid is forced
either by pumping or suction through the narrow gap between two parallel plates
z = 0 and z = h, as in Fig. 7.2. The equations relating the two 'in-plane' velocity
components (u, v) to the pressure p are quite simple when we neglect inertia and
the in-plane shear force, and only allow for the shear that occurs as we traverse
the gap from z = 0 to z = h. We find
02u 8p 82v 8p
I` 8z2 = a
134This is as we might hope, since only a small change in composition
can change iron into
steel, or turn an icy road into a wet one, by the addition of carbon or salt, respectively.
138An interesting example is that of Type I superconductivity, where, if the geometry is right,
the scalar magnetic field H satisfies the parabolic form of Maxwell's equations (as in (6.11)) and
the 'Meissner effect' requires H = 0 in the superconducting region. The Stefan condition follows
from a balance of magnetic flux.