Обработка материалов давлением № 1 (20), 2009
Satonin A. V., Aleksandrova Z. A., Smolyakova V. V., Stezhkin P. M. The regression
mathematical modeling of energy-power parameters of angle bars rolling process // Materials
working by pressure. – 2009. – № 1 (20).
For the purpose of performance boost and laboriousness decrease of numerical mathematical
model, based on recurrent answers of the finite-difference forms of the energy expenses balance clause,
regression dependences for calculation of power-force parameters of asymmetrical angle bars rolling
process have been got. Statistical analysis of output showed that regression model accuracy is sufficient,
therefore these dependences in the sequel may be used for solution of multivariable task series such as
problems of optimization, simulation, automatic control system etc.
Zavgorodny D. V., Dvorzhak A. I., Zavgorodny F. V. Technique, the equipment and re-
sults of an experimental research of process of straightening on straightening ma-
chine // Materials working by pressure. – 2009. – № 1 (20).
On the basis of experimental researches of process of straightening on straightening machine
quantitative influence of technological parametres of process on power parameters of process of
straightening has been established. Optimum technological parametres of investigated process are de-
fined and experimentally confirmed, basic of which are displacement rolls, and also an installation
corner rolls concerning an editing axis. The quantitative estimation of degree of convergence received
before theoretical decisions with reference to processes of straightening is given.
Frolov I. V., Gretzki Th., Yu Z., Nuernberger F., Hassel Th., Bach Fr.-W. Surface hard-
ening of intricate form detailes geometries of heat-treatable steel Cf53 using water-air spray
cooling // Materials working by pressure. – 2009. – № 1 (20).
By employing integrated heat-treatment using the forging heat, a significant shortening of the
process chain is attained for manufacturing precision forged components with considerable savings in
time and energy. With the aid of water-air spray cooling, both surface hardening and tempering can be
carried out simultaneously without reheating the component after quenching. In this work geometric
models of splines made of heat-treatable steel Cf53 (1.1213) were surface hardened and tempered us-
ing a purpose designed rotating spray unit. The obtained hardness values of the geometries were sub-
sequently investigated. Furthermore, the consumption of air and water was measured. This work pre-
sents initial results which are to be transferred to forged splines in future tests.
Zablotskiy V. K., Dobronosov U. K., Dmitriev S. A., Novoselov S. V. Experiment of
process of термомеханической spot-treatment of the welded joints with the use of the hot roll-
ing // Materials working by pressure. – 2009. – № 1 (20).
Data of experiments of process of hardening of the welded joints which confirm the before de-
signed mathematical designs for investigation of process of LTMO are given, and similarly to his ex-
pedience as it applies to the generation of electric welding pipes of large-break, made on Kharcizsk
pipe factory.
Borovik P. V., Lucenko V. A., Luckiy M. B. The development of method of calculation of the
cutting force of thick letters by disk shears // Materials working by pressure. – 2009. – № 1 (20).
In the article the single-measured mathematical model of the process of cutting by disk knives
in based on the numerical of recurrent decision of finish different form of static equilibrium is consid-
ered. This model allows to take into account the real form of cutting tool, real character of distributing
of resistances to the shear on the length of cutting area, mechanical properties of the cut material, and
can be used for the automated design and analysis of the process of hot rolling thick sheets on disk
shears. The results may be used in project-design works and for further development of the method of
calculation on definition of energy-force parameters of the process.
Steblyuk V. I., Savchenko D. N., Rozov U. G. Methods of improving methods of cutting
pipe for a short cut // Materials working by pressure. – 2009. – № 1 (20).
The new constructive scheme of elements of the device for cutting of tubular billets at simul-
taneous shift and twisting is offered. The sequence of processes of cutting of tubular billets by simul-
taneous shift and torsion is shown. For the purpose of definition of an optimum parity between twist-
ing moment and shift, the technique of experimental researches is provided. Mechanical characteris-
tics and chemical compound of the sample for carrying out tests are defined.