Обработка материалов давлением №1 (19), 2008
The experimental investigation shown the influences of change of a drawing direction on the
decrease of drawing stresses what can cause of the increase of fatigue strength of wires drawn
according variant B6. However the changes of a structure of a surface layer and a geometrical
structure of a wire surface resulted in a decrease of the degree of orientation of cementite lamellaes
and higher flexability of a wire surface on initiation of a fatigue cracks. The increase of a gometrical
factor of surface have dominant effect and caused a decrease of the fatigue strength of wires.
A model of two-phase grain deformation for wire drawing is proposed. The conception of
simulation of the boundary conditions for the representative volume element is based on the penalty
method and uses a solution of the problem on macro-level.
The friction coefficient and deformation are influenced from the change of the cementite
lamellas orientation during the drawing.
The work was financed by The State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) Ministry of
Education and Science of Poland, grant 3T08B04630.
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Миленин А. (Milenin A.) – д-р техн. наук, проф. КГМА;
Мускальский З. (Muskalski Z.) – д-р техн. наук, проф. ЧПУ;
Виевировская С. (Wiewiórowska S.) – канд. техн. наук, ЧПУ.
КГМА – Краковская горно-металлургическая академия, г. Краков, Польша;
ЧПУ – Ченстоховский политехнический университет, г. Ченстохов, Польша.
milenin@ agh.edu.pl