148 Part B Automation Theory and Scientific Foundations
Controlled plant
Fig. 9.1 Basic feedback loop
means of which this influence is exerted can be clas-
sified into two disjoint sets: one set consisting of all
commands and/or disturbances generated by other com-
ponents (which in this context are usually referred to
as exogenous inputs) and another set consisting of all
variables by means of which the accomplishment of the
required tasks is actually imposed (which in this con-
text are usually referred to as control inputs). The tasks
in question typically comprise the case in which certain
variables, called regulated outputs, are required to track
the behavior of a set of exogenous commands. This
leads to the definition, for the variables in question, of
a tracking error, which should be kept as small as pos-
sible, in spite of the possible variation – in time – of the
commands and in spite of all exogenous disturbances.
The control input, in turn, is provided by a separate
subsystem, the controller, which processes the informa-
tion provided by a set of appropriate measurements (the
measured outputs). The whole control configuration as-
sumes – in this case – the form of a feedback loop,as
In any realistic scenario, the control goal has to
be achieved in spite of a good number of phenomena
which would cause the system to behave differently
than expected. As a matter of fact, in addition to the
exogenous phenomena already included in the scheme
of Fig. 9.1, i.e., the exogenous commands and dis-
turbances, a system may fail to behave as expected
also because of endogenous causes, which include the
case in which the controlled system responds differ-
ently as a consequence of poor knowledge about its
behavior due to modeling errors, damages, wear, etc.
The ability to handle large uncertainties successfully
is one of the main, if not the single most impor-
tant, reason for choosing the feedback configuration
of Fig.9.1.
To evaluate the overall performances of the system,
a number of conventional criteria are chosen. First of
all, it must be ensured that the behavior of the variables
of the entire system is bounded. In fact, the feedback
strategy, which is introduced for the purpose of off-
setting exogenous inputs and to attenuate the effect of
modeling error, may cause unbounded behaviors, which
have to be avoided. Boundedness, and convergence to
the desired behavior, are usually analyzed in conven-
tional terms via the concepts of asymptotic stability
and steady-state behavior, discussed in Sects. 9.2–9.3.
Since the systemsunder considerations aresystems with
inputs (control inputs and exogenous inputs), the influ-
ence of such inputs on the behavior of a system also
has to be assessed, as discussed in Sect.9.4. The analyt-
ical tools developed in this way are then taken as a basis
for the design of a controller, in which – usually – the
control structure and free parameters are chosen in such
a way as to guarantee that the overall configuration ex-
hibits the desired properties in response to exogenous
commands and disturbances and is sufficiently tolerant
of any major source of uncertainty. This is discussed in
Sects. 9.5–9.8.
9.1 Autonomous Dynamical Systems
In loose terms, a dynamical system is a way to
describe how certain physical entities of interest, as-
sociated with a natural or artificial process, evolve
in time and how their behavior is, or can be, influ-
enced by the evolution of other variables. The most
usual point of departure in the analysis of the behav-
ior of a natural or artificial process is the construction
of a mathematical model consisting of a set of equa-
tions expressing basic physical laws and/or constraints.
In the most frequent case, when the study of evolu-
tion in time is the issue, the equations in question
take the form of an ordinary differential equation, de-
fined on a finite-dimensional Euclidean space. In this
chapter, we shall review some fundamental facts under-
lying the analysis of the solutions of certain ordinary
differential equations arising in the study of physical
In this analysis, a convenient point of departure is
the case of a mathematical model expressed by means
of a first-order differential equation
x = f(x) ,
Part B 9.1