1440 Part H Automation in Medical and Healthcare Systems
ssDNA being insulating over a 4eV range between
±2V, and dsDNA being like a wide-bandgap semicon-
ductor [81.36]. Iqbal et al. investigated the effects of
the DNA sequence on its conductivity [81.37]. They
chemically anchored thiol-modified DNA between gold
nanogaps. It was seen that the conductivity through the
DNA molecule increased with increasing GC content.
Such behavior could be attributed to the increased hole
hopping between the hydrogen bonds in the guanine–
cytosine pair [81.38]. As the ionization potential of
guanine is the lowest (G < A < C < T), this would pro-
vide the easiest path for the conduction of holes[81.30].
Moreover, the triple hydrogen bonds between the G and
C bases as compared withthe double hydrogen bonds in
the A and T bases putatively result in more paths for the
charge flow in higher-GC-content sequences [81.38].
This results in less resistance to the charge flow in the
sequence containing more G–C pairs and results in de-
crease in resistance between various GC-rich sequences
by an order of magnitude. They also showed the pos-
sibility of using DNA as a reversible fuse, blowing off
at high temperature and turning back on when a con-
ducive environment became available. This was seen by
temperature cycling of their devices. Such a framework
could also be used as an electrical DNA hybridization
sensor. In another report, Mahapatro et al. showed that
the DNA conductivity scaled with the surface density
of chemically immobilized DNA [81.39]. The surface
density of the DNA was seen to be higher with high salt
concentrations, resulting from better screening of the
DNA phosphate backbone charges and reduced electro-
static repulsion. They observed that the conductivity of
DNA molecules decreased exponentially as the number
of adjacent AT pairs wereincreased, replacing GC pairs.
This also showed that the GC pairs provide a more con-
ductive path to the charge transfer. These finding can
have consequences in DNA-based molecular electron-
ics and direct label-free detection of DNA sequence and
While the experimentalists have been debating the
behavior of DNA, a number of theoretical models have
been proposed for the DNA conductivity mechanisms.
Almost all the proposed transport ideas rely on the
experimental results, and can be broadly categorized
as either model simulations or ab initio calculations.
The wide variety of these models is understandable
due to the large number of variables that affect the
conducting properties of DNA. Jortner and co-workers
suggested two distinct DNA charge transport mecha-
nisms in 1998 [81.40]. They proposed that transport
occurs either by the direct unistep hole tunneling from
one base pair to another, or by a multistep charge
transport through the base pairs, exhibiting a weak de-
pendence on the separation distance between the donor
and the acceptor. They further proposed that the charge
transport mechanism was determined by the speci-
ficity of the intercalating base sequences, which they
called bridge. Yu and Song modeled DNA as a one-
dimensional (1-D) disordered system with electron
transport occurring between localizedstates as variable-
range hopping [81.41]. These localized states in the
sequence would present the candidate landing sites for
a hopping electron, while such localization would be
enhanced by structural changes in DNA with temper-
ature. They defined a crossover temperature above or
below which transport would be either simple nearest
neighbor thermal hopping or the carrier would hop dif-
ferent ranges, respectively. Such variable-range hopping
mechanism is somehow consistent with the two pos-
sible mechanisms proposed by Jortner et al. and Ly
et al. [81.24, 40]. Yi modeled the dsDNA molecule as
a two-legged charge ladder to render the presence or ab-
sence of conductance gaps seen in I–V plots of GC-rich
and GC-poor sequences, respectively [81.42]. The gap
in conduction plots was explained with strong Coulomb
repulsion with eV values much larger than thermal en-
ergy. This repulsion is encountered with a screening
effect of the cations in the solution. This is a classi-
cal example of ab initio calculation. Various reports
describing electronic properties of DNA have been pub-
lished, delving into the coupling strengths between
bases, the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO)
and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO)val-
ues and energies, band structures of various dsDNA,
effect of doping (specifically, O
doping) on conduc-
tance, structural effects on conduction, etc. The random
and stochasticprocesses in the complexDNA–electrode
system have been identified, explaining the wide claims
over values of DNA conductivity (metal, semiconduct-
ing, and insulator) [81.43]. As many as 12 parameters
have been simulated in adjusting HOMO and LUMO
bands in such systems.
Most of the theoretical models assume coherent
tunneling to be a major mechanism, with a length (L)-
dependent rate of charge transfer R [81.30]
R ∝exp(−βL) ,
where β is the tunneling decay length, the larger β
is, the faster the rate of tunneling decreases with in-
creasing distance. There have been various, sometimes
contradictory, values reported for β [81.44, 45]. Berlin
et al. found β to be 0.1Å
for sequential tunneling
Part H 81.3