1462 Part H Automation in Medical and Healthcare Systems
over existing techniques from a clinical perspective;
for instance, using the robot could enable perform-
ing less-invasive interventions, resulting in shorter stay
of the patient in the hospital. In the same way, using
a robot to hold the endoscope may save one assistant
who can be transferred where his/her skills are used
in a much better way. However, evaluating such orga-
nizational benefits obviously requires very precise cost
and resource management: all necessary human or ma-
terial resources participating in the intervention, from
diagnosis to long-term follow-up, have to be taken into
account. On a more medical level, using a robot to
machine bone for prosthesis placement may result in
longer lifetime of the prosthesis and/or fewer joint dis-
junctions (for the hip, for instance). In a similar way
using a complex radiotherapy treatment delivered us-
ing a robot may allow dose escalation and may result
both in better control of a tumor and fewer complica-
tions. In general, it is not easy to predict how accurate
and sophisticated a roboticprocedure should be to make
a significant difference on the clinical level. To prove
this may also be very challenging. The evaluation of
clinical benefits may require long-term trials involv-
ing several centers and many patients. Those clinical
trials have to be conducted in accordance with the ethi-
cal standards and regulations of the country concerned;
those standards and regulations may be very strict, but
they vary from country to country. Finally, added value
may also beevaluated in termsof commercial advantage
for a hospital that may attract more patients when high
technology is used for painless, minimally invasive pro-
cedures. This added value should be significant enough
to compensate for drawbacks related to the introduction
of a robot such as the increase of procedure duration,
which is often observed even when the learning pe-
riod is finished. (See Chap. 77 for additional content on
automation in hospitals and healthcare.)
Cost is obviously another issue; indeed, several
of the distributed systems are quite expensive. If we
consider some of the systems (for instance, Robodoc,
Caspar, DaVinci, and Cyberknife) listed in Table 82.1,
costs average in the range US$1000000–2000000.
Aesop cost around US$100 000. Frequently a mainte-
nance cost of 10% per year has to be added, and some
of these systems generate an extra cost per intervention
(for instance, about US$1000–2000 for the DaVinci
system). This may be quite a heavy cost for hospitals
and clinics. Moreover, depending on healthcare funding
models in different countries, some of those costs may
not be affordable by health insurances. The higher the
investment, the more significant the added value has to
be to justify the expense. More recently developed sys-
tems (smaller and simpler robots, disposable devices)
are likely to propose more affordable solutions.
82.7 Systems Used in Clinical Practice
For 20years many medical robotic systems have been
developed in laboratories and evaluated to a certain
extent. Evaluation is twofold: at the technical level it
consists of characterizing accuracy, reliability, robust-
ness, etc. This stage may be realized on laboratory
setups using phantoms that mimic, more or less real-
istically, the concerned part of the body. At the clinical
level, experiments with corpses or animals enable a first
approach to a more realistic evaluation of clinical fea-
sibility and performance. Finally, a study on series of
patients is always necessary to fully evaluate the sys-
tem and its clinical added value. Relatively few medical
robots have undergone the whole evaluation process,
reached the market, and gone into wide clinical use.
There are indeed two major challenges: how to turn
a laboratory prototype into a certified product, and how
to make this product an industrial success. The rea-
sons for this still limited diffusion of medical robotics
in the clinical world certainly come from the spe-
cific constraints of medical robotics discussed above
and probably from the questionable added value of the
robot in a number of cases. The complexity of clini-
cal evaluation, certification, and marketing also makes
the process very long and expensive; for instance, in
orthopaedics, demonstrating the advantage of robots
over competing techniques may take more than 10 years
since the stability and life duration of prostheses cannot
be demonstrated any earlier. At the same time, to eval-
uate them it is necessary to install robots in hospitals,
sometimes atthe company’s expense. Convincinga hos-
pital to buy such expensive devices before any medical
evidence of their added value is available is particularly
Table 82.1 attempts to list as largely as possible
the industrial systems that are, or have been, signifi-
cantly clinically used in routine and emerging products;
this table is intended to give a flavor of the clini-
cal spread of the technique. Numbers of systems are
estimates established in early 2008. As can be seen
several systems are no longer distributed: this de-
Part H 82.7