4.7 Related Decompositions 221
On the other hand, the definition of I implies
˜γ(X)=|I ∪
Γ (R, J)| = |I|. (4.102)
Combining (4.101) and (4.102), we obtain
˜p(X)=˜ρ(X)+˜γ(X) −|X|≤|W |−|J|,
which shows X ∈L
(˜p) by (4.98). Hence
A is the finest proper block-
triangular form under the admissible transformation (4.88).
Notes. Section 4.6.1 is based on Murota [198]. Theorem 4.6.8 was first stated
in §24 of Murota [204], whereas the proof is improved here.
4.7 Related Decompositions
In the literature of electrical network theory, it has been known that a system
of equations describing an electrical network can be put in a block-triangular
form if one chooses appropriate bases (tree-cotree pairs) for Kirchhoff’s laws
and rearranges the variables and the equations (for both Kirchhoff’s laws and
element characteristics). A decomposition method, called 2-graph method,re-
ferring to a pair of current-graph and voltage-graph is investigated in Ozawa
[260, 261, 262] for networks involving controlled sources. Based on the re-
sult of Tomizawa–Iri [317], a decomposition of networks with admittance
expressions is considered by Iri [127] in relation to the independent-matching
problem. An attempt has been made in Nakamura–Iri [246] and Nakamura
[243, 244] to define a block-triangularization for a system of equations de-
scribing the most general class of networks with arbitrary mutual couplings
(such as those containing controlled sources, nullators, and norators) as an
application of the principal partition for a pair of matroids. This section is
devoted to clarifying the relationship of the CCF-based decomposition to
some of those decomposition techniques and to extending the concept of LM-
equivalence to multilayered matrices.
4.7.1 Decomposition as Matroid Union
For an LM-matrix A =
∈ LM(K, F ) the CCF of A has been constructed
on the basis of the LM-surplus function p which is submodular and charac-
terizes the rank of A (cf. Theorem 4.2.5). In Theorem 4.2.3, on the other
hand, we have encountered another submodular function that characterizes
the rank of A, namely, p
→ Z defined by
(J)=ρ(J)+τ(J) −|J|,J⊆ C, (4.103)
which is only slightly different from the LM-surplus function