250 4. Theory and Application of Mixed Matrices
4.9 Principal Structures of LM-matrices
4.9.1 Motivations
Suppose an engineering system is described by a system of nonlinear equa-
(x)=0,i∈ R, (4.133)
in a set of variables x =(x
| j ∈ C). Then a physical state of the engineering
system is specified by a point x of the manifold (in a loose sense) described
by (4.133). Let A = A(x) denote the Jacobian matrix of f(x) and assume
that rank A = |R| < |C| (for all x in an open set).
If |C|−|R| variables {x
| j ∈ C \ J}, where J ⊆ C and |J| = |R|,are
chosen in such a way that the submatrix A[R, J] is nonsingular, the remaining
variables {x
| j ∈ J} can be determined uniquely in general by (4.133).
Such variables {x
| j ∈ C \ J} are sometimes called design variables in the
engineering literature. Design variables can be regarded as local coordinates of
the manifold described by (4.133) (see Takamatsu–Hashimoto–Tomita [308]).
The choice of design variables is, to some extent, at our disposal. From
a computational point of view, it is advantageous to select a set of design
variables so that the system (4.133) of equations in the remaining dependent
variables may be hierarchically decomposable as fine as possible. Even though
we may not expect an optimal one in this respect, we would like to ask: “How
fine can we decompose the system with a clever choice of design variables?”
Assuming that the Jacobian matrix is an LM-matrix, we shall give a combi-
natorial answer to this question in terms of the horizontal principal structure
of LM-matrices in §4.9.5.
As a second motivation for the same question, suppose we are given a
linear program:
Maximize c
x subject to Ax = b, x ≥ 0
with an m × n LM-matrix of rank m as the coefficient matrix A. A basic
solution, corresponding to an m ×m nonsingular submatrix A[R, J] for some
J ⊆ C, is computed by solving A[R, J]x[J]=b and putting x[C \ J]=0.
The submatrix A[R, J] is again an LM-matrix, for which a canonical decom-
position is obtained by the CCF. Furthermore we may be interested in the
family of the decompositions of the submatrices A[R, J] for all possible basic
solutions. Mathematically this leads to the same question as the above on de-
sign variable selection, and a combinatorial answer is given as the horizontal
principal structure of LM-matrices in §4.9.5.
Next, consider a pair of primal and dual linear programs:
(P) Maximize c
x subject to Ax ≤ b,
(D) Minimize y
b subject to y
A = c
, y ≥ 0,