4.4 Combinatorial Canonical Form of LM-matrices 199
Table 4.6 shows some data about the behavior of the CCF algorithm. The
first column counts the total number of pivoting operations and the second
the total number of pairs (i
) ∈ L ∩ E
in Step 3. The third column
designates difference of the number of nonzero Q-entries in the CCF and in
the input LM-matrix. The data is based on an implementation of a minor
variant of the CCF algorithm (called “new algorithm” in [241]). Though such
data are implementation dependent, they would serve to convey a rough idea
about the behavior of the CCF algorithm. 2
Notes. The examples in this section has been computed using a sightly
modified version of the FORTRAN program originally coded by M. Ichikawa
[117] and the Mathematica program coded by M. Scharbrodt [241].
4.4.7 CCF over Rings
We consider an extension of the concept of LM-matrix and its CCF when the
ground field is replaced by a ring. Let D be an integral domain, and K the
field of quotients of D; it is still assumed that K is a subfield of F .Tobe
more concrete, we are mainly interested in the cases where D is the ring of
integers Z or the ring of univariate polynomials over a field.
We say that a matrix A =
is an LM-matrix with respect to (D, F ),
denoted as A ∈ LM(D, F ), if A ∈ LM(K, F ) and furthermore, Q is a matrix
over D. Accordingly, the admissible transformation over D is defined to be
an invertible transformation of the form (cf. (4.35))
with a matrix S over D. For the invertibility of the transformation it is
imposed that S is invertible over D, i.e., that S has an inverse S
over K
and furthermore each entry of S
belongs to D. As is well known, matrix
S has its inverse S
over D if and only if det S is an invertible element
of D, in which case S is called unimodular over D. With this terminology
we can say that an admissible transformation over D is defined to be a
transformation of the form (4.69) with S unimodular over D. It is obvious
from the definition that such an admissible transformation is a transformation
in the class LM(D, F ).
Given A ∈ LM(D, F ), we can regard it as a member of LM(K, F )and
construct its CCF, say
A, using an LM-admissible transformation with a
nonsingular matrix S over K. Here we can assume that S is a matrix over D,
since we may multiply S with any nonvanishing number in D. This means
A ∈ LM(D, F ) (see the matrix
in Example 4.4.20 below). Note,
however, the transformation that brings A to
A is not necessarily admissible
for LM(D, F ), since S may not be unimodular over D.
The following theorem claims that, if D is a well-behaved ring called
principal ideal domain (PID), there exists an admissible transformation over