188 4. Theory and Application of Mixed Matrices
situations often arise in practice, for example, in solving a system of non-
linear equations by the Newton method, or in determining the frequency
characteristic of an electrical network by computing its responses to inputs
of various frequencies. In this case we cannot calculate the LU-factors of A
in advance, so that we usually resort to graph-theoretic methods and rear-
range the equations and the variables to obtain a block-triangular form. In
particular, the block-triangularization based on the DM-decomposition is of
fundamental importance. Each time the parameter values are specified, the
equations corresponding to the DM-blocks may be solved either by direct
inversion through LU-decomposition or by some iterative method.
The above two approaches, namely, the LU-decomposition and the DM-
decomposition, are two extremes in that the former applies to a constant
matrix A with fixed numerical values and the latter to a symbolic matrix
A with a fixed pattern. It is often the case, however, that the matrix A is a
mixture of constant numbers and symbols, which may be modeled as a mixed
matrix under the assumption of algebraic independence of the symbols.
As a typical situation, let us consider the iterative solution of a system of
linear/nonlinear equations f(x)=0 by the Newton method. This amounts to
solving J(x)Δx = −f(x) for a correction Δx through the LU-decomposition
of J(x), where J(x) is the Jacobian matrix of f(x). The equations may be
divided into linear and nonlinear parts as f(x)=Qx + g(x), where Q is
a constant matrix. Accordingly, we have J(x)=Q + T (x), where T (x)is
the Jacobian matrix of the nonlinear part g(x). Then we may treat J(x)=
T (x) as a mixed matrix, regarding (or modeling) the nonvanishing entries
of T (x) as independent symbols, even when the nonvanishing entries of T (x)
are subject to algebraic relations.
We will describe here how the CCF can be utilized to generate an efficient
solution of a system of equations
A(θ)x = b(θ) (4.65)
for varying values of parameters θ, where x, b ∈ R
. We express the coefficient
matrix as
A(θ)=Q + T (θ)
and regard it as a mixed matrix with ground field Q or R treating the
nonvanishing entries of T (θ) as if they were algebraically independent. As
discussed in §4.1, we may introduce an auxiliary vector w to obtain the
augmented system of equations with the LM-matrix
A of (4.4) or (4.6) as the
coefficient matrix (where we may put t
= 1 for all i).
The CCF of
A, being a block-triangular matrix, determines a hierarchical
decomposition of the whole augmented system into smaller subsystems. Since
the LM-admissible transformation (4.35) is more general than permutations,
the problem decomposition by the CCF is finer than the one by the DM-
decomposition. The crucial point is that the transformation (4.35) needed in
the CCF decomposition is determined independently of the particular values