202 4. Theory and Application of Mixed Matrices
4.5 Irreducibility of LM-matrices
In this section we investigate into a concept of irreducibility for LM-matrices.
Most of the results below are natural extensions of those concerning DM-
irreducibility (or full indecomposability) for generic matrices treated in §2.2.3.
4.5.1 Theorems on LM-irreducibility
With respect to the LM-admissible transformation (4.35) we can define a
concept of irreducibility for LM-matrices. An LM-matrix A ∈ LM(K, F )is
defined to be LM-reducible if it can be decomposed into smaller submatri-
ces by means of the LM-admissible transformation (4.35). Otherwise, A is
called LM-irreducible. In other words, A is LM-reducible if there exists a
DM-reducible matrix A
that is LM-equivalent to A,andA is LM-irreducible
if any LM-matrix A
that is LM-equivalent to A is DM-irreducible. An LM-
irreducible matrix is DM-irreducible, and not conversely. Note that an LM-
matrix A is LM-irreducible if Row(A)=∅ or Col(A)=∅, since the whole
matrix A is a (horizontal or vertical) tail. On the other hand, a zero ma-
trix A = O with Row(A) = ∅ and Col(A) = ∅ is LM-reducible, since it can
be decomposed into the horizontal tail with (R
)=(∅, Col(A)) and the
vertical tail with (R
)=(Row(A), ∅).
From Theorem 4.4.4 we obtain the following characterization of LM-
irreducibility in terms of the lattice L
(p) of the minimizers of the LM-
surplus function p. This is a kind of “dual” characterization of the LM-
irreducibility in contrast to the “primal” characterization (definition) in terms
of the indecomposability with respect to the LM-admissible transformation.
Theorem 4.5.1. Let A ∈ LM(K, F ) be an LM-matrix.
(a) In case |R| < |C|: A is LM-irreducible ⇐⇒ L
(b) In case |R| = |C|: A is LM-irreducible ⇐⇒ L
(c) In case |R| > |C|: A is LM-irreducible ⇐⇒ L
(p)={∅}. 2
The validity of the algorithm for CCF in §4.4.4 yields a characterization
of the LM-irreducibility in terms of the graph
G used in the algorithm. In
particular, we mention the case of square LM-matrices.
Theorem 4.5.2. A square LM-matrix A is LM-irreducible (and hence non-
singular) if and only if in Step 4 of the algorithm of §4.4.4 both V
and V
are empty and R
∪ C is contained in a single strong component of
G. 2
The following theorem refers to the rank of submatrices of an LM-
irreducible matrix. This is an extension of Theorem 2.2.24 for a generic ma-
Theorem 4.5.3. Let A ∈ LM(K, F ) be LM-irreducible.
(a) In case |R| < |C|: rank A[R, C \{j}]=|R| (∀j ∈ C);
(b) In case |R| = |C|: rank A[R\{i},C\{j}]=|R|−1(∀i ∈ R, ∀j ∈ C);
(c) In case |R| > |C|: rank A[R \{i},C
]=|C| (∀i ∈ R).