160 4. Theory and Application of Mixed Matrices
named “Menger-decomposition” (or “M-decomposition” for short). The M-
decomposition is constructed as follows. The linking problem can be formu-
lated as a network flow problem (see §2.2.4), maximum linkings corresponding
to maximum flows and minimum separators to minimum cuts. On the other
hand, the submodularity (2.52) of the cut capacity function of a network
leads to a canonical decomposition with respect to minimum cuts, accord-
ing to the Jordan–H¨older-type theorem for submodular functions explained
in §2.2.2. The essence of the M-decomposition is a straightforward combina-
tion of these two results. See Murota [196, 197, 205] as well as Murota [204,
§8, §11] for details about M-decomposition and its application to systems of
equations, and van der Woude [327] for its application to control theoretic
problems. Another decomposition of the representation graph is also proposed
by Iri–Tsunekawa–Yajima [135], and is named “L-decomposition” by Iri–
Tsunekawa–Murota [134]; see also Murota [204, §8, §11] for L-decomposition.
Remark 4.3.6. The structural solvability for systems of equations with de-
grees of freedom is discussed by Sugihara [304, 305]. This is closely related
to the combinatorial analysis of rigidity in statics, as expounded in Recski
[277]. 2
4.3.3 Matroidal Conditions for Structural Solvability
With the aid of the combinatorial characterizations of the rank of a mixed
matrix, we can deal with the structural solvability of a system of equations
(4.27) under more realistic generality assumptions such as
GA2: Those elements of D which do not belong to the rational num-
ber field Q are algebraically independent over Q,and
GA3: Those elements of D which do not belong to the real number
field R are algebraically independent over R,
where D denotes the collection of the partial derivatives of the equations.
Recall that the generality assumptions GA2 and GA3 have been introduced
in §3.1.1 on the basis of the physical observation on the two kinds of numbers.
To be specific, we assume GA2 (and GA3 can be treated similarly). The
set D is divided into two parts, D = Q∪T with Q = D∩Q and T = D\Q.
Accordingly, the Jacobian matrix A = J(x, u) is expressed as A = Q + T ,
which is, by GA2, a mixed matrix with respect to (Q, F ).
The following theorem gives a matroid-theoretic criterion for the struc-
tural solvability of the system (4.27) of equations under the realistic assump-
tion GA2.
Theorem 4.3.7. Let the Jacobian matrix A
= J(x, u) of (4.28) be decom-
posed into two parts, A = Q + T , such that Q is a matrix over Q and the
nonzero entries of T do not belong to Q. Then the system (4.27) of equations