3.2 Algebraic Implication of Dimensional Consistency 121
ring defined appropriately with reference to physical dimensions. Several im-
plications of this fact are discussed in §3.3 in connection to the mathematical
framework for the structural analysis introduced in §3.1. To reflect the dual
viewpoint from structural analysis and dimensional analysis, the notion of
“physical matrix” is introduced as a mathematical model of a typical matrix
that we encounter in real physical systems. The concept of physical matrix
plays a central role, especially in the structural analysis of dynamical systems,
to be treated in Chap. 6.
3.2.2 Dimensioned Matrix
A physical system is usually described by a set of relations among relevant
physical quantities, to each of which is assigned a physical dimension. When
asetoffundamental dimensions, or equivalently, a set of fundamental quan-
tities, is chosen, the dimensions of the remaining physical quantities can be
uniquely expressed by the so-called dimensional formulas. For example, a
standard choice of fundamental quantities in mechanics consists of length L,
mass M and time T , and the dimensional formula for force is then given by
]=[L][M ][T ]
or simply by LMT
. In general, the exponents to
the fundamental dimensions, namely the powers in the dimensional formula,
may take on not only integers but also rational numbers.
Here we do not go into philosophical arguments such as those on what
the physical dimensions are and which set of physical quantities are most
fundamental. Instead we assume that the fundamental quantities with the
associated fundamental dimensions are given along with the dimensional for-
mulas for other quantities.
Let us consider a linear (or linearized) system represented by a system of
linear equations:
Ax = b, (3.21)
where we assume that the entries of the m × n matrix A =(A
), as well as
the components of x =(x
)andb =(b
), belong to some field F , namely,
∈ F (i =1, ···,m; j =1, ···,n).
It is also assumed that F is an extension of the field Q of rational numbers
(i.e., F ⊇ Q).
Let Z
, ···,Z
be a chosen set of fundamental quantities. Not only the
components of x and b but also the entries of A have physical dimensions,
expressed in the form of
with exponents p
∈ Q (k =1, ···,d).
From the algebraic point of view, we may regard Z
, ···,Z
as indeter-
minates over F and consider the extension field E of F generated over F by
all the formal fractional powers of Z
, ···,Z
; i.e.,