3.1 Mixed Matrix for Modeling Two Kinds of Numbers 115
of linear functions are (real) constants, we classify the partial derivatives D
into constants and nonconstants; the latter standing for nonlinearity. This
classification conforms to the above choice of K = R. See also Remark 1.3.1.
It is important to recognize here that a generality assumption is con-
cerned with the property of a mathematical description of a real system, and
not of the system itself. The assumption GA2, for example, is often justified
when the system in question is described by a collection of elementary re-
lations among elementary variables rather than by a compact sophisticated
representation. In Example 3.1.3, for instance, the auxiliary variable u in the
reactor of (3.5) could have been eliminated, the reactor being then described
more compactly by
= u
− ru
(j =1, 2),u
= u
+ ru
If the system were so described, the assumption GA2 is no longer valid even
if we may assume that r is independent of other quantities. In fact, the three
occurrences of one and the same r themselves could never be independent of
each other. The issue of mathematical description against generality assump-
tion will be considered again for dynamical systems in §3.1.2.
Remark 3.1.4. In the above argument we have assumed that the subfield
K is chosen from physical considerations in mathematical modeling. From
the mathematical point of view, however, we may think of the following
problem: Given D⊆F , find a subfield K and a bipartition D = Q∪T such
that Q⊆K and T is algebraically independent over K. It is not difficult to
see that there exist a largest subset T and a smallest subfield K that satisfy
these conditions, and they are given by
T = {t ∈D|t is transcendental over Q(D\{t})}, (3.11)
K = Q(D\T). (3.12)
The expressions (3.11) and (3.12) can be derived from a matroid-theoretic
consideration as follows (see §2.3.2 for matroid-theoretic terms). Let M be the
algebraic matroid (see Example 2.3.10) defined on D with respect to algebraic
independence over Q. For a given T , (3.12) is an obvious choice of the smallest
K to meet the condition that Q = D\T ⊆K. Then the condition (3.10) is
equivalent to the statement that T is independent in the contraction of M
to T . This statement is tantamount to saying that T consists of coloops of
M. It follows, therefore, that the largest T is given by (3.11). 2
Remark 3.1.5. Some comments would be in order here on the mutual re-
lations among the generality assumptions GA1, GA2 and GA3 above. First
of all, GA2 is weaker than GA1; that is, if D satisfies GA1, it satisfies GA2,
too. No other implications exist, as exemplified below, where F = R(x, e
and T of (3.11) is also given. Note that the algebraic independence of
, e
} over Q follows from Theorem 3.1.6 below.