For most network disturbances
is large (which corresponds to short time-constants) and
therefore the third term of equation (9.10) decays very rapidly, although the initial peak can be
high if the applied torque has a high enough initial amplitude. However, the impact of the motion
imparted to the shaft system by the applied torque, as depicted by the second term of equation
(9.10), can be considerable, since it decays at a very slow rate due to the small value of
The significance of the first term of equation (9.10) lies in fault clearing and high-speed
reclosing sometimes practiced as a means of improving stability limit. Any switching operation
is accompanied by transient oscillatory torque at the generator rotor air-gap. A system fault will
set the shaft system in motion, given by equation (9.10). If the system was in a steady state
before the fault, the first term in equation (9.10) will be absent. If the fault is cleared too soon,
before the forced vibration had sufficient time to decay, the initial perturbation for the transients
generated by fault clearance can be considerable. As a result the shaft system will be subjected to
a much higher stress level. The effect can be cumulative depending on the phase relationships of
the various terms, as can be seen from equation (9.10).
From the point of view of synchronous stability a fault clearing time faster than 3 cycles is
hardly worthwhile. During the first cycle or two, the unidirectional components of the electrical
torque due to the stator and rotor losses caused by the transient induced currents can be
substantial. The net accelerating torque immediately following a fault is therefore very small. It
can even be negative, causing the rotor to retard momentarily. Due to the modeling restriction,
the unidirectional component of the electrical torque is not fully accounted for in a conventional
large scale stability program. During the first three cycles into the fault the actual forward
movement of the rotor will therefore be very little. A faster clearing is therefore not likely to
improve system stability perceptively. However, as explained above, it can increase the stress on
the shaft system considerably.
A delayed clearing can also result in increased shaft torque and therefore should be avoided,
even if it is acceptable from system stability point of view. This is because, with delayed
clearing, the generator rotor would have advanced substantially by the time the fault is cleared.
The transient torque following fault clearing will therefore have a slowly varying component
with relatively high amplitude, and this will impart considerable shaft movement.
From equation (9.10), it can be seen that the actual torsional movement of the shaft depends on
various factors. At any instant of time, the deviation from the steady state position is determined
by the shaft system natural frequency, the frequency of the applied torque, various phase
relationships and damping. Most of these quantities will vary from one machine to another. Since
the shaft position and speed at the instant of fault clearing will serve as the initial conditions for
the transients following the fault clearing, the severity of these transients and the resulting shaft
stress would depend on the point on the transient wave at which the fault clearance takes place.
Since the actual wave shapes would be different for different machines, and cannot be predicted
exactly in advance, the best instant of fault clearing from shaft torsional point of view cannot be
determined. All things considered, the present practice of 3 - 3.5 cycles clearing appears to be the
most desirable.
Equation (9.10) also suggests the possibility of the shaft system being subjected to high stresses
following a fast reclosure. The third term in the equation will probably disappear by the time
reclosure takes place. However, the first two terms may still be significant due to the very low
damping within the shaft system. This, combined with the fact that there may be considerable