in thickness. Coarse bed materials are also encroaching at Hengshan Reservoir, China, in
the form of a broad delta containing sand and gravel. The contrast in deposition
conditions in the delta area and near the dam is evident in Fig. 15.4. Although flushing
has been effective in removing silts from Hengshan reservoir, the delta is continuously
aggrading. At both Cachí and Hengshan Reservoirs the flushing flow crosses the coarse
delta deposits as a braided or wide and shallow stream, instead of the deep incised
channel typical of the downstream portion of the reservoir.
A second pattern which is also anticipated, but not known to have been documented,
is the gradual increase along the bed elevation of the flushing channel downstream of the
delta due to the deposition of coarse sediment. The accumulation of coarse bed material
in the flushing channel may cause lateral shifting of the flushing channel as its bed
elevation rises and fine-grain floodplain deposits on the channel banks are eroded.
The rate of delta accumulation varies widely between reservoirs, depending on the
difference between the rate of coarse sediment delivery and its removal by flushing
flows. Armoring can limit the erosion rate of delta deposits by flushing discharge. The
volume and grain size of the coarse sediment released by reservoir flushing can increase
over time as deposits advance toward the dam, increasing the slope and transport capacity
of the flushing channel. Additional bed material accumulation upstream of the delta
should also be anticipated.
15.2.3 Channel Formation and Maintenance
When flushing is initiated at a reservoir that has been accumulating sediment for a num-
ber of years, two distinct flushing phases may be identified. During the first, or channel
formation, phase, existing deposits are eroded to create the main flushing channel, plus
any auxiliary lateral or longitudinal flushing channels. During this phase a portion of the
reservoir capacity can be recovered. During the second, or channel maintenance phase,
the flushing channels have already reached their equilibrium size and only recently
deposited sediment is flushed out of the channels. Maintenance flushing is typically
practiced on an annual basis, although both shorter and longer intervals have been used.
Depending on site characteristics and flushing flows, channel formation may require
several years of flushing operations. Maintenance flushing must continue indefinitely to
sustain sediment control benefits.
During impounding periods much of the fine sediment entering a reservoir tends to
deposit in the lowest part of each cross section, especially when turbidity currents are
present. When a channel is maintained by flushing, sediment deposition becomes focused
within the channel and can be removed during the next flushing event. There are four
mechanisms by which flushing reduces sediment accumulation: (1) previously deposited
material is removed; (2) sediment entering the reservoir during the flushing period will be
routed along the channel and released through the low-level outlet; (3) while impounding
sediment deposition is focused in the channel, from which it can be scoured during the
next flushing event; and (4) the flushing channel geometry facilitates the movement of
turbidity currents toward the dam where they can be released.
The potential importance of the flushing channel in focusing suspended sediment
inflow is illustrated by data from the Cachí Reservoir case study. Cachí Reservoir is
divided into upper and lower pools by a natural constriction. Because delta deposition of
coarse sediment affects most of the upper pool but not the lower, only the lower pool is
used in these computations. The flushing channel at Cachí occupies only 9.5 percent of
the total surface area of the lower reservoir pool, yet 71 percent of the total inflowing
solids load (76 percent of suspended load) either flows as a turbidity current along the
submerged channel to the dam where it is discharged through the power intake, or is
deposited within the channel and subsequently removed by flushing. The remaining