832 Chapter 13 Reacting Mixtures and Combustion
In this chapter we have applied the principles of thermodynamics
to systems involving chemical reactions, with emphasis on sys-
tems involving the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. We also
have extended the notion of exergy to include chemical exergy.
The first part of the chapter begins with a discussion of
concepts and terminology related to fuels, combustion air, and
products of combustion. The application of energy balances to
reacting systems is then considered, including control volumes
at steady state and closed systems. To evaluate the specific
enthalpies required in such applications, the enthalpy of for-
mation concept is introduced and illustrated. The determina-
tion of the adiabatic flame temperature is considered as an
The use of the second law of thermodynamics is also dis-
cussed. The absolute entropy concept is developed to provide
the specific entropies required by entropy balances for systems
involving chemical reactions. The related Gibbs function of for-
mation concept is introduced. The first part of the chapter also
includes a discussion of fuel cells.
In the second part of the chapter, we extend the exergy con-
cept of Chap. 7 by introducing chemical exergy. The standard
chemical exergy concept is also discussed. Means are developed
and illustrated for evaluating the chemical exergies of hydrocar-
bon fuels and other substances. The presentation concludes with
a discussion of exergetic efficiencies of reacting systems.
The following list provides a study guide for this chapter.
When your study of the text and end-of-chapter exercises has
been completed, you should be able to
write out the meaning of the terms listed in the margin
throughout the chapter and understand each of the related
concepts. The subset of key concepts listed below is particu-
larly important.
determine balanced reaction equations for the combustion of
hydrocarbon fuels, including complete and incomplete com-
bustion with various percentages of theoretical air.
apply energy balances to systems involving chemical reac-
tions, including the evaluation of enthalpy using Eq. 13.9 and
the evaluation of the adiabatic flame temperature.
apply entropy balances to systems involving chemical reac-
tions, including the evaluation of the entropy produced.
evaluate the chemical exergy of hydrocarbon fuels and other
substances using Eqs. 13.35 and 13.36, as well as the stan-
dard chemical exergy using Eqs. 13.44 and 13.45.
evaluate total exergy using Eqs. 3.46 and 3.47.
apply exergy analysis, including chemical exergy and the
evaluation of exergetic efficiencies.
complete combustion, p. 778
air–fuel ratio, p. 779
theoretical air, p. 780
percent of theoretical air, p. 780
dry product analysis, p. 783
enthalpy of formation, p. 788
heating values, p. 797
adiabatic flame temperature, p. 800
fuel cell, p. 804
absolute entropy, p. 809
chemical exergy, p. 816
standard chemical exergy, p. 821
Similarly, for the case of complete combustion with 400% of the theoretical amount of air, we get
e 5 1 2
5 0.463 146.3%2
➊ The calculated efficiency values show that a substantial portion of the fuel
exergy is destroyed in the combustion process. In the case of combustion
with the theoretical amount of air, about 30% of the fuel exergy is destroyed.
In the excess air case, over 50% of the fuel exergy is destroyed. Further
exergy destructions would take place as the hot gases are utilized. It might
be evident, therefore, that the overall conversion from fuel input to end use
would have a relatively low exergetic efficiency. The vapor power plant
exergy analysis of Sec. 8.6 illustrates this point.
For complete combustion with 300% of theoretical air, would
the exergetic efficiency be greater than, or less than, the exergetic efficiency
determined for the case of 400% of theoretical air? Ans. Greater than.
Ability to…
determine exergy destruc-
tion for a reactor.
devise and evaluate an appro-
priate exergetic efficiency.
Skills Developed
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