also use the scale 1/256 in the transfer function and have the smallest frequency at
1/128. The wavelength is 0.0005 mm and the f # f/2a which is 10. Changing
the f # in FileFig 10.8 will change the triangle corresponding to τ
and will admit
more or fewer spatial frequencies for image formation.
FileFig 10.8 (W8TRASIS)
Demonstration of the use of a transfer function. Object is a grid and calculation
of it’s Fourier transformation. Spread function (sin y/y)
and calculation of
its Fourier transformation. Product of both Fourier transformations and their
Fourier transformation (inverse). The resulting image of these operations looks
more or less like the object.
W8TRASIS is only on the CD.
Application 10.8. Change the f # and observe through the changing triangle
that more or fewer frequencies are used for image formation.
Fourier Transformation of the Bessel Function as Transfer Function
We may use as the transfer function (J 1(y)/y)
corresponding to a circular
lens instead of (sin y/y)
, which corresponds to a cylindrical lens. Keeping the
argument of the transfer function the same but taking R instead of X we use
J 1(πR/λfn)/(πR/λfn), (10.38)
where fn is the f -number. The variable R is replaced by i/255 and i is the
running number of the Fourier transformation, from 1 to 256 (0–255). We have
to use here i/255 in the frequency domain, since we used i in the space domain. In
FileFig 10.9 the object is a grid presented as a series of square pulses in the space
domain, but the spread function is now (J 1(y)/y)
, and its Fourier transformation
is the transfer function τ (µ). The product of ω
(µ)τ (µ) is calculated and shown
in FileFig 10.9. The Fourier transform (inverse) of φ(µ) ω
ob)(µ)τ (µ)isthe
final image.
Changing the f # in FileFig 10.9 will change τ
as shown and will admit more
or fewer spatial frequencies for image formation.
FileFig 10.9 (W9TRAJ1S)
Demonstration of the use of a transfer function. Object is a grid and calculation
of its Fourier transformation. Spread function (J 1(y)/y)
and calculation of
its Fourier transformation. Product of both Fouriers transformations and their