the shape of the step. To make the calculation of the diffraction factor easy, we
assume that the periodicity constant is equal to the width of the steps d and we
choose the angle of incidence such that the transmitted light is refracted in a
direction perpendicular to the plane of the step (Figure 3.20a). The angle ε is
then the angle between the normal of the facet and the normal of the plane of
periodicity. The intensity is again given as the product of the interference and
diffraction factor. The interference factor is the same as the one obtained for the
amplitude grating, but the diffraction factor is calculated with the optical path
difference y
sin(θ + ε); see Figure 3.20. The intensity is then
I (θ ) {[sin(πd sin{θ +ε}/λ)]/[πd sin{θ + ε}/λ]}
·{[sin(πNa sin θ/λ)]/N sin(πasin θ)/λ]}
The three graphs in FileFig 3.12 demonstrate the dependence on the step angle
ε. When ε −.25 we see that the maximum of the diffraction factor is lined
up with the first-order maximum of the interference factor. The zeroth order of
the interference factor is at the first minimum of the diffraction factor and is
suppressed. For the particular wavelength the grating is said to be blazed. For
slightly different wavelengths, the first order would be displaced within the enve-
lope of the diffraction factor. Considering a source emitting many wavelengths,
the first order of a range of wavelengths is distributed over the range determined
by the diffraction factor.
When changing the step angle ε, one has for ε .25 that the zeroth order of
the diffraction factor is shifted to the −1 order of the interference factor (see the
second graph of FileFig 3.12). For ε −.52, the zeroth order of the diffraction
factor is at the +2 order of the interference factor (third graph of FileFig 3.12).
For other values of (between these values, one finds that the maxima of the
interference factor are not lined up with the maxima of the diffraction factor.
FileFig 3.12 (D12FAELGRS)
Graphs of the intensity of diffraction on an echelette grating. Three graphs are
shown for three values of ε. There is only one interference factor and three
diffraction factors. We see that the diffraction factor is lined up with the first
maximum of the interference factor for ε −0.25. The zero order of the inter-
ference factor is at the first minimum of the diffraction factor and is suppressed.
If one applies a source emitting many wavelengths, the first-order of a narrow
band of different wavelengths is “filling” the area of the diffraction factor. For the
wavelength for which both maxima coincide, the grating is said to be “blazed.”
When choosing ε 0.25 the zeroth order of the diffraction factor is shifted to
the −1 order of the interference factor. For ε −0.52 we have the zeroth order