Flocculation is the process where small particles suspended in
water lump and form larger aggregates or floes, A sediment
floc consists of many small primary particles and the settling
velocity ofthe sediment floes normally are orders of magnitude
higher than the single particles contained within the floc. There
are three different processes causing aggregation of particles
suspended in water. Salt Flocculation: clay and small silt
particles are generally negatively charged because of broken
bonds and isomorph substitution of the Si'*'*' ion with the AP"*"
ion in the crystal lattice. Therefore they are surrounded by a
cloud of positive ions when suspended in water, the
so-called diffuse double layer. The cloud of positive ions
surrounding the small particles repel each other and prevent
the particles from aggregating. However, when the ionic
strength of the water increases (typically where salt and fresh
water mixes) an apparent compression of the double layer
occurs and the particles can come so close together that the
van der Waals intermolecular attractive forces dominate the
electrostatic Coulombs expelling forces (van Olphen, 1963),
Bioflocculation: in both fresh and salt water organic polymers
may adsorb on the surfaces of sediment particles and bind
particles together in large aggregates with high organic content
(van Leussen, 1994), Fecal pellet formation: filter- and deposit
feeders such as mussels and snails feed on tine-grained
sediment particles and excrete these as fecal pellets or pseudo
pellets (Edelvang and Austen, 1997), This process binds the
sediment tightly together by organic glue and create very
strong aggregates with characteristic shapes for different
Controlling processes
The formation of a sediment floc in a turbulent flow of natural
water is mainly controlled by two factors. The number of
sediment grains in the water and the probability that two
particles collide and lump together. Number of grains are
generally expressed as mass concentration and the probability
of collision is mainly controlled by water turbulence, mostly
expressed as the root mean square velocity gradient, (G):
G = \/g/v, which can also be expressed as
G =
(Eq, I)
where: c is turbulent dissipation rate per unit mass (Nm kg '
per second), v is the kinematic water viscosity (m^ per second),
Uf is friction velocity (m per second), z is height above the
bottom (m), H is total depth (m), and K is von Karman's
constant. Collision caused by Brownian motions is un-
important in the natural environment whereas collision caused
by differential settling may be important in quiescent water.
Different clay minerals have different ability for flocculation,
however, such specific abilities are often overshadowed by
coating of the sediment surfaces by iron oxides and/or organic
Floc size, composition, strength and density
The smallest floes are of the same size as the smallest turbulent
eddies in the turbulent flowing water, the Kolmogorov micro
scale. Krone (1986) defined such small floes as zero order floes.
When zero order floes lump together first order floes are
formed and so on. The higher the order of the floc the more
water it contains and the lower the floc density becomes. But
along with the growth in size floc strength decreases and
eventually the floc will be broken up by turbulence and the
flocculation process will start again, T"herefore, floc size in any
given turbulent flow is a dynamic equilibrium controlled by
both sediment concentration and water turbulence. Another
way of describing the floc structure is by describing its fractal
dimension. It has been suggested that aggregates and floes in
suspension tends to arrange in a self-similar geometrical
system, Kranenburg (1994) describes the process as follows:
if the basic element of a fixed structure (e,g,, a microfloc) is
made up of Wj primary particles and m\ of these basic
elements are connected in such a way that the geometric
arrangement of the new elements is the same as the
arrangement of the primary particles in the basic aggregate
then the total number A' of particles in such a fractal aggregate
will be:
(Eq, 2)
where Ra is the diameter of the aggregate and Rp is the
diameter of the primary particle and D is the fractal dimension
given by the expression:
D =
(Eq, 3)
where /M2 is a factor by which the aggregate size increases
independent of Ra during each flocculation step similar to
moving from one floc order to one higher order, Kranenburg
(1994) states that the fractal dimension D can vary within the
where values of D<2 indicates loose
aggregates and values of
> 2 indicates more compact
aggregates. Dyer and Manning (1999) found a mean value of
D of 2,1 for in situ analyzes in the Humber estuary using the
video device INSSEV, whereas Mikkelsen and Pejrup (2001)
found values for coastal waters between 2,1 and 2,7 based on
measurements of in situ floc size spectra,
Flocculation time
Because floc size is the product of a dynamic equilibrium
process it must be anticipated that a characteristic time for this
equilibrium to be reached exists in any given stationary
turbulent flow. Few studies have been conducted on this
parameter but Mikkelsen and Pejrup (2000) found in situ
flocculation times in the order of 50min whereas Milligan
(1995) determined the time scale of flocculation to 10-15min
using a mesocosm (i,e,, a part ofthe natural environment that
has been closed off so that specific parameters can be
In situ settling velocity of sediment floes
The settling velocity of a floc is controlled by its size, shape,
and density. It is difficult to estimate in situ settling velocity
theoretically. Therefore it must be determined by in situ