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Some Textbooks and Monographs on Evaporites
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Seawater: Temporal Changes to the Major Solutes
Ultimately, the entire Earth is composed of "extraterrestrial"
material, which accreted (mostly in the form of kilometer-sized
and larger bodies) about 4,56 billion years ago to form our
planet. But even today, the Earth continues to accrete large
amounts of extraterrestrial matter, about 40,000 tons per year
of mostly fine dust (within the mass range
kg to 10"'' kg),
which is derived from asteroids, comets, and even from the
Moon, Mars (as rare meteorites), and the interstellar medium,
although proportions vary widely. This extraterrestrial matter
settles through the atmosphere and accumulates, much diluted,
in terrestrial and marine sediments, comprising one class of
extraterrestrial material in sediments. On occasion, larger
bodies (cm- to m-size) fall as meteorites, which mostly weather
away in geologically short time periods, although a few fossil
meteorites have been found in Ordovician rocks (Peucker-
Ehrenbrink and Schmitz, 2001), Even less frequent, but still
often in geological terms, asteroid- and comet-nucleus-sized
bodje? impact the Earth with cosmic velocity, leading to the
forrnation of an impact crater, and, depending on the size of
the impaetor, a regional to global distribution of impact ejecta,
being the other class of extraterrestrial material in sediments.
Extraterrestrial dust is mainly derived from the collision of
asteroids in the asteroid belt and the subsequent migration of
the dust due to the Poynting-Robertson effect toward the
Earth and Sun, The other main source is the disintegration of
cornets ("dusty snowballs"), which release dust into the inner
solar system when they get close to the sun and the ice, which
makes up the bulk of their mass, evaporates. The fiux
from both sources varies considerably over time (Peucker-
Ehrenbrink and Schmitz, 2001), An excellent tracer for
extraterrestrial material in marine sediments is the presence
of 'He, which is carried to the seafioor in the finest fraction of
interplanetary dust and is retained in some sediments for up to
several hundred million years (Farley, 2001), Such isotopic
studies of oceanic sediments provided evidence for a shower of
long-period comets at around 35 Ma,
Ejecta from large impact events on Earth comprise a
mixture of uniquely shocked and melted terrestrial material
and remnants of the extraterrestrial impaetor (Montanari and
Koeberl, 2000; Koeberl, 2001), The discovery of shock-
metamorphosed mineral grains (e,g,, quartz, feldspar) in
sediments of Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary age
(65 Ma) from locations around the world (Bohor etal., 1987)
provided confirming evidence for the hypothesis that a large
impact event marked the end of the Cretaceous and was
responsible for the mass extinction at that time (Koeberl and
MacLeod, 2002), Impact craters with diameters of about
>80km may be associated with globally distributed impact
ejecta; the Chiexulub impact strueture, which is buried beneath
Tertiary sediments in Yucatan, Mexico, and which is the
source of the K-T boundary ejecta, has a diameter of almost