believed by some to fix in place underlying structured patterns
in the turbulent flow, which ultimately control dune spacing.
Evidence for this theory, though sparse, can be found in dune
patterns that appear to be related to wave-like atmospheric
motion in the lee of hills and mountain ranges. Other workers
suggest that it is the initial, fully formed dune that produces
the regular flow disturbance downstream. In this explanation,
the sequential dune is thought to form beyond the point of
flow reattachment associated with the upwind dune, as a new
internal boundary layer develops. The reattachment point
which lies beyond the How separation bubble or lee eddy,
is noted for intense turbulence that prevents sand from
accumulating (Frank and Kocurek, 1996),
Growth of a dune upward into the airflow causes a pressure
drop in the outer flow over the dune crest, and therefore, flow
acceleration along the direction of increasing elevation. High
Reynolds stresses near the dune toe, as measured by Wiggs
etal. (1996) in wind tunnel simulation, are believed to prevent
sand accumulation within this zone of flow stagnation. The
generalized pattern of increasing velocity and shear stress
toward the dune crest should lead to an overall flattening out
of the bedform through time. Clearly though, dunes do grow
and so, this explanation must represent an oversimplification
of stoss side transport processes. Detailed field measurements
of stoss side transport and deposition on a reversing dune by
McKenna Neuman et al. (2000) do suggest that in unsteady
winds: (1) the proportion of the stoss slope length which is
active is highly variable; (2) the local sand transport is rarely in
full equilibrium with the air flow; and (3) spatial variations in
stoss slope transport are influenced by outer wake flow shed
from the upwind dune. The shape of the dune crest is also
implicated in a number of studies. Rounded forms with a clear
crest-brink separation are usually associated with shear stress
reduction and deposition at the upper elevations, while erosion
and dune lowering is observed to be more typical of sharp
crested features, Wiggs etal. (1996) suggest that streamline
curvature in the area of the dune crest is responsible for these
The last two decades have witnessed major advances in the
identification and understanding of eolian transport me-
chanics. In parallel, technological developments have allowed
eolian geomorphologists to explore in detail small scale, short
term processes involved sediment entrainment and transport.
Wind tunnel and numerical simulation has played a key role in
these efforts. Grain scale processes are now relatively well
understood and modeled. Still, great challenges lie ahead for
the advancement of eolian process geomorphology, particu-
larly in the content of fieldwork. Surprisingly few studies have
attempted direct measurement of eolian dune morphody-
namics, A high level of uncertainty still surrounds measure-
ment ofthe mass transport rate and the surface shearing stress.
Foremost, the bulk of model construction and experimental
work has been predicated on the assumption that the airflow is
uniform and steady, and that the sand transport is fully
adjusted to this condition. In nature, this is perhaps rarely so.
Future efforts also must work toward improved integration of
the temporal and spatial scales over which eolian processes
Cheryl McKenna Neuman
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