464 11 Conclusion
processes take place on a scale between about 10 nm and a few micrometers.
They constitute the bulk of the present book.
In the last decades, research has turned to more complex materials like
the intermetallic alloys where the dislocation mobility depends sensitively on
the structure of the dislocation cores. In addition to the nonplanar spreading
of the cores, which directly influences the glide resistance, nonconservative
processes within the cores seem to play a role in several intermetallics, leading
to a similar macroscopic behavior controlled by diffusion, irrespective of the
particular crystal structure. However, there are still no methods for monitoring
the small diffusion fluxes in the dislocation cores to prove these models.
In the new field of dislocation motion in quasicrystals, the application of
the whole set of methods developed for crystals for over 50 years provided
good insight within the short time of about 20 years, only. Nevertheless, the
present models of climb controlled by the formation of jog pairs on a cluster
level require more direct experimental evidence. Here, it should be possible to
prove the dynamic nonequilibrium point defect concentrations by respective
in situ methods.
Thus, for a number of years, the basic mechanisms controlling the disloca-
tion dynamics have been understood quite well. However, to determine their
actual parameters in the more complex materials requires the combined appli-
cation of macroscopic and microscopic methods as the atomistic interactions,
for example, between dislocations and intrinsic or extrinsic point defects, can-
not be observed directly, and so the interpretation of deformation data on the
basis of microscopic models is frequently still of speculative nature.
It is certainly one aim of the study of dislocation dynamics to establish
phenomenological laws to be incorporated into theories of the collective behav-
ior of many dislocations, which governs macroscopic plasticity. First steps are
here the formulation of constitutive laws combining dislocation dynamics with
the kinetics of dislocation generation and immobilization and annihilation, as
well as the statistical models of plastic instabilities. Other approaches are
the computer simulation of the motion of a greater ensemble of dislocations
or the insertion of dislocation mobility laws into finite element calculations.
Though these methods have brought some progress, there is, on the other
hand, still no good method to describe the effect of long-range elastic fields on
the motion of individual dislocations with input parameters that can easily be
measured. In this connection, very little is known about the role of the ather-
mal stress component in the deformation of intermetallic alloys. Besides, the
interplay is not well understood between the effective stress, which influences
the dislocation multiplication, and the development of the dislocation density
and the resulting athermal stress component. Thus, we may conclude that
the basic knowledge of dislocation dynamics has reached some completion. It
appears, however, challenging and requiring more efforts to uncover and to
design the details of the continuously developing novel materials, and to imple-
ment physics-based dislocation mobility laws into the theories of collective
dislocation behavior.