452 10 Quasicrystals
decreasing stress, the experimental values of ΔG increase more strongly than
predicted by the model, which may be due to further processes becoming rel-
evant at high temperatures. The energies ΔF
and ΔF
cannot be separated
experimentally. The climb velocity should be determined by the diffusion of
the species diffusing more slowly, which is Pd or Mn with activation energies
of 2.32 eV [670] and 1.99 eV [713]. Lower diffusion energies may result if pipe
diffusion plays a role in the climb process. The jog height h =0.67 nm adjusted
to the experimental activation volumes agrees with the Peierls model better
on the cluster scale than on the atomic one. This conclusion had already been
drawn for glide in [742], and for climb in [739]. The elastic energy of the jog
pair of this height should be in the range of several eV as estimated above for
kinks. This would not leave much space for the diffusion energy, in accordance
with the results on the activation volume. Unfortunately, more precise data
cannot be given at present.
Takeuchi [753] compared the Peierls model for glide and climb and argued
that in quasicrystals jog pairs can form more easily than kink pairs. However,
the main reason for the predominance of climb in quasicrystals rather is the
different structure of the defect walls created by the imperfect dislocations
than the difference in the elastic properties of kink and jog pairs. A role may
also play the dissociation of the dislocation cores on the climb plane. Split
dislocations have been observed in Fig. 10.17 and were analyzed in [702]. In
many intermetallic alloys, dislocations have complex cores which extend on
planes other than the glide plane, leading to a low glide mobility and to
the influence of non-glide components of the stress field (e.g., [508, 754]). In
particular, the dislocations can undergo a climb dissociation, where glide is
strongly impeded so that climb may be facilitated. Thus, dislocation motion
in quasicrystals may show similarities to that in other intermetallic alloys.
As to the friction models, numerical estimates indicate that the refined
cluster friction model predicts a stress dependence of the activation parame-
ters similar to that of the Peierls model if the same parameters are applied.
That means that the refined cluster friction model and the Peierls model on a
cluster scale are equivalent with respect to the prediction of the macroscopic
deformation data. The cluster friction model is supported by two-dimensional
[751] and three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations of glide [738,755],
where the dislocations move jerkily between strong spots in the quasicrystal
structure. On the other hand, the Peierls model fits better the straight, crys-
tallographically oriented shape of many dislocations (Fig. 10.18) as well as
the viscous type of dislocation motion. Thus, this model will be preferred in
the following. However, note that coming from low temperatures, at about
C at least part of the dislocations strongly bow out between pinning
agents (Fig. 10.14), which is not in agreement with the Peierls model at these
temperatures. The obstacles are most probably kinks in the climbing dislo-
cation lines. The radius of curvature of δ = 50 nm, mentioned in Sect. 10.3.1,
corresponds to a local effective stress of σ
= Γ/(δb) ≈ 240 MPa. In [739],
the change from curved dislocations at lower temperatures to straight ones