394 10 Quasicrystals
phonon and phason strains. In a three-dimensional quasicrystal, it can be
described by a six-dimensional Burgers vector. Because of the missing peri-
odicity, the quasicrystalline structure is not intact after a dislocation has
moved, but a layer of phason faults is trailed if the temperature is not high
enough for annealing out these defects. Quasicrystals were therefore regarded
as intrinsically brittle.
Nevertheless, quasicrystals can be deformed plastically at high temper-
atures. The plastic deformation parameters were first investigated on poly-
quasicrystals, e.g., [640–643]. The discovery of thermodynamically stable
ternary quasicrystalline phases [644] and the resulting possibility of grow-
ing large single quasicrystals [645] formed the basis for studying the intrinsic
plastic properties of quasicrystals. The observation of a drastic increase of the
dislocation density during the high-temperature deformation of Al–Pd–Mn
single quasicrystals pointed at the operation of a dislocation mechanism of
plastic deformation [646]. This view was confirmed by the direct evidence of
dislocation motion during high-temperature in situ deformation experiments
in an high-voltage electron microscope (HVEM) [647]. Materials containing
quasicrystalline phases find first applications because of their particular sur-
face properties (e.g., [648]), the hydrogen storage capacity (e.g., [649]) or a
high strength up to high temperatures of alloys containing quasicrystalline
phases (e.g., [650, 651]).
In the following sections, the properties of dislocations in quasicrystals
and their role in the plastic deformation will be described. The treatment is
confined to the two materials where experimental data of the author and his
coworkers are available, i.e., the stable phases Al–Pd–Mn with the icosahedral
structure and of Al–Ni–Co with the decagonal structure. To help understand-
ing the properties of dislocations, first the quasiperiodic structures and their
construction by the cut and projection method are described.
10.1 Structure of Quasicrystals
Janner and Janssen [652] were the first to present an analytical description
of incommensurate structures. It was later on extended by Duneau and Katz
[653] and Elser [654] to construct quasiperiodic structures by projecting a
higher-dimensional space onto the physical space. The method is illustrated
in Fig. 10.1 for the generation of a one-dimensional quasiperiodic lattice by
the projection from a two-dimensional square hyperlattice. In the origin of the
hyperlattice with the coordinate axes h
and h
, a second coordinate system
is placed having the coordinates x
and x
axis defines the physical
space or, in quasicrystal terminology, the parallel space E
axis is
rotated against the h
axis of the hyperspace by the angle α, which represents
an irrational slope tan α. Thus, except the origin the x
axis does not meet any
other lattice point. The x
axis defines the one-dimensional perpendicular or
orthogonal space E
. The one-dimensional quasiperiodic lattice in the physi-
cal space is generated by projecting the lattice points of the hyperspace onto