CHAPTER 5 Conformal Field Theory Part I
As we have seen already, the vibrational modes of the string can be studied by
examining the worldsheet, which is the two-dimensional surface. It turns out that
when studying the worldsheet, the vibrational modes of the string are described by
a conformal fi eld theory.
If the string is closed, we have two vibrational modes (left movers and right
movers) moving around the string independently. Each of these can be described by
a conformal fi eld theory. Since the modes have “direction” we call the theories that
describe these two independent modes chiral conformal fi eld theories. This will be
important for open strings as well.
A Euclidean metric is simply a metric that resembles the distance measure from
ordinary geometry. Let’s try to clarify this point considering the simplifi ed case
of one-time dimension and one-space dimension. In special relativity, we
distinguish between space and time with the use of a change of sign so that if we
are using the signature
(, )−+
ds dt dx
=− +
. So the two-dimensional Minkowski
metric would be
What we’re after with a Euclidean metric is describing things in a way that we could using
ordinary geometry. In the x-y plane, the infi nitesimal measure of distance is given by
dr dx dy
. This tells us that a Euclidean metric is one for which all quantities have
the same sign. We can rewrite the Minkowski metric in this way by using what is known
as a Wick rotation. Simply put, we make a transformation on the time coordinate by
. Then
dt idt→−
and it follows that
ds idt dx dt dx
=−− + = +()
which is exactly what we want. In order to describe the worldsheet with coordinates
(, )
using a Euclidean metric, we make a Wick rotation
In terms of the worldsheet coordinates
(, )
, the metric is
ds d d
=− +
So we see that making a Wick rotation
changes this to
ds d d
22 2
which is a Euclidean metric. Utilizing the Euclidean metric enables us to use
conformal fi eld theory on the string.
Wick Rotations