Schwarzschild metric, 242
Schwarzschild radius, 250
Second quantization, 69
Sectors, 141. See also individual sectors by name
Signatures of metrics, 23
Singularities, 241
SO(32) heterotic string theory
action for, 208–209
overview, 192
quantization of, 209–214
Space-fi lling branes, 221
Space-time arena, 223–224
Space-time bosons, 143, 199–200
Space-time fermions, 143, 200
Space-time supersymmetry, 175–176, 180
Space-time translation, 56–57
Spatial dimensions in bosonic string theory, 188
Special conformal transformations, 99
Spin-1 gauge bosons, 8
Spin-1/2 fermions, 8
Spin-2 bosons, 8–9
Spinor index, 177
Splitting strings, 14
Standard model, 8
Standing waves on string, 45
Stress-energy tensor, 3, 52, 106, 136–139
String coordinates, 30
String quantization
closed string spectrum, 82–85
commutation relations for closed string, 74–75
commutation relations for open string, 75
open string spectrum, 75–82
overview, 70–73
light-cone, 85–87
overview, 69
String sigma model action
defi ned, 36
light-cone coordinates, 42
symmetries of
overview, 53–56
Poincaré transformations, 56–57
reparameterizations, 57–58
Weyl transformations, 58–59
String theory. See also individual types of string theory by
name; Superstring theory
basic analysis in, 10–11
BRST quantization in, 120–121
conformal fi eld theory in, 92–93
D-branes, 15–16
fundamental constants, 11–12
general relativity, 2–3
higher dimensions, 16–17
M-theory, 15
overview, 1–2, 12–14
quantizing gravitational fi eld, 8–10
quantum theory, 3–8
standard model, 8
types of, 14–15
unifi cation, 11–12
Strings in space-time, 28–32
Strong particle interactions, 8
Structure constants, 116
Sundrum, Raman, 273
Super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory, 257, 259–261
Supercharge, 169
Supercovariant derivative, 171
Supercurrents, 138
Superfi elds
overview, 168–171
for worldsheet supersymmetry, 171–173
Super-partners, 190
Super-Poincaré group, 178
Superspace, 168–171
Superstring theory. See also RNS superstrings;
Type II A string theory; Type II B string theory
bosonic string theory, 188–189
canonical quantization, 184–185
D-branes in, 230
dualities, 192–193
Grassman integration, 173–174
Green-Schwarz action, 175–179
heterotic E
× E
, 192
heterotic SO(32), 192
light-cone gauge, 181–184
overview, 167–168, 187–188, 190–191
space-time supersymmetry, 180
superfi elds
overview, 168–171
for worldsheet supersymmetry, 171–173
superspace, 168–171
supersymmetric action, 174–175
type I, 14, 191
Supersymmetry (SUSY)
defi ned, 127
point particle, 176–179
space-time, 180
supersymmetric actions, 174–175
transformations, 132–133, 172–173
ways to describe, 210
Supersymmetry generator, 169
Super-Virasoro operators
NS sector algebra, 145
overview, 143–144
R sector algebra, 146–147
Susskind, Leonard, 256
SUSY (supersymmetry)
defi ned, 127
point particle, 176–179
space-time, 180
supersymmetric actions, 174–175
transformations, 132–133, 172–173
ways to describe, 210
SYM (Super Yang-Mills) theory, 257, 259–261
Symmetries. See also Worldsheet currents
energy-momentum tensor, 52–53
hamiltonian, 67
overview, 51
of Polyakov action
overview, 53–56