String Theory Demystifi ed
The scenario depicted here solves many cosmological riddles, if it is to be
believed. First let’s consider two major riddles solved by infl ation: homogeneity
and isotropy. Infl ation seeks to address this problem (explaining why the universe
is homogeneous and isotropic) by postulating the existence of a fi eld that turns on
for a brief instant causing the universe to expand exponentially. While this scenario
has been quantifi ed in a plausible manner, it is not unreasonable to have doubts
about a theory that describes a fi eld that turns on for a fl icker of an instant and turns
off as fast, never to be seen again in the entire history of the universe. So what does
the ekpyrotic scenario have to offer?
In the ekpyrotic scenario, there are two fl at, parallel branes that collide like two
nearly perfectly fl at metal plates, say. Since the branes are parallel they collide at
the same time (well almost anyway, let quantum theory intervene) at all points
along the branes. This action endows the visible brane with the same energy density
at all points with constant initial temperature called the ekpyrotic temperature. This
explains why the universe looks the same everywhere in all directions and why the
cosmic microwave background is the same everywhere—the universe began with
the same initial conditions at all points.
The fl atness problem is solved by setting the initial conditions of the branes to
the vacuum state. In the vacuum state the branes are fl at and empty, so no mysterious
fi ne tuning of matter density is required to make the universe turn out fl at. The
reasonable assumption that the branes start off in the vacuum state forces them to
be fl at.
Now, of course, quantum theory means that everything is not as exact as described
so far. Quantum fl uctuations in the branes called brane ripples result from the
movement of the branes along the fi fth dimension. These fl uctuations mean that not
every point on the brane collides with the other brane at exactly the same instant.
Instead, most will collide at some average time, while some will collide earlier than
average and some will collide later than average. Hence, rather than producing a
universe with an absolutely uniform temperature, the collision will produce a
universe with some regions slightly colder than average (because they collided
earlier) and some regions slightly hotter than average (because they collided later).
These are the seeds the universe needs to produce the large scale structures of the
universe like the galaxies. Once again, quantum effects are seen to give birth to
large scale cosmological structure, providing a link between the very large and the
very small in the universe.
One distasteful aspect of general relativity is the presence of “singularities” in
the theory. These are points in space-time where quantities like curvature (the
gravitational fi eld) and temperature blow up to infi nity. The “big-bang singularity”
is one such example.
In the ekpyrotic model, the singularity is far milder than in classical general
relativity. Two branes move toward each other, they collide, and then they bounce off
and return to their initial positions. The “big bang” is an event that occurs with a