Ultraviolet Degradation.
PVC is susceptible to damage by
sunlight, and above-ground use of PVC pipe in areas exposed to direct sun-
light is typically not recommended unless the pipa is painted or otherwise
. covered.
Below ground, PVC is good for 10 to 15 years.
. Penstock Anchoring. If the penstock is more than 100 feet
in length, it should be anchored.
To anchor a penstock, a mass of concrete
can be poured around the pipe.
Before pouring the cement, coat the pipe
with a material similar to tar and wrap with several layers of felt roofing
A rule of thumb is a yard of concrete for each 12 inches of pipe
diameter; therefore, a 12-inch' pipe would have a 3 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft block
of concrete for an anchor.
The primary location for the anchor is just before the penstock enters
the powerhouse (Figure 4.5-9). The anchor restricts movement of the pen-
stock at the powerhouse, avoiding the possibility of the penstock separating
from the turbine and eliminating loads on the turbine casing. The installa-
tion of the anchor is an important additional safety factor to prevent .
penstock failure because of movement of the penstock.
For long runs of above-ground pipes on steep slopes, intermediate
anchors should be provided to reduce pipe stresses from the weight of the
pipe and water.
The anchor block should be firmly attached to the slope so
that its weight wiil not add to that already on the pipe. Freezing. A hydropower system does not produce energy.
Rather, it transfers energy from one form to another. If water flows down
a stream from Point A t;, Point B, the water has dissipated the same amount
of energy that you can recover in a turbine.
In a free stream, energy is dissipated in the form of heat.
Heat is
generated by the friction of water within itself and with the stream bed.
Likewise, if the water is piped from A to B, the friction between the water
and the pipe will generate a certain amount of heat.
The less the friction,
the less the heat generation, and conversely, the more the friction, the
more the heat. An old steel pipe with riveted sides has a lot of friction