to determine whether there are any .major hindrances to development.
hindrances to development would include the presence of a threatened or
endangered species in the site area, an anadromous fish run in the strea:;,
a historic site at the diversion dam or power plant site, a scenic
designation for the site,
or major agency opposition for some reason.
agency contacted was asked for advice,
the prerequisites for its permit(s),
and the time involved between application and issuance.
Figure 8-6 shows a flow diagram of the licensing process for
microhydropower projects in Washington.
The State of Washington has
published an excellent guide book for the licensing process, Developing
Hydropower in Washington State:
A Guide to Permits, Licenses, and
Incentives, which can be obtained from either the WDOE or the WSEO. The
developer in Washington should obtain this guide book early ln the
reconnaissance process and follow it throughout.
As soon as the reconnaissance study indicates an environmentally and
economically favorable site, the developer should submit to the FERC a
notice of intent to file for an exemption or preliminary permit. Although
a notice of intent is not necessary, it is generally a good investment,
since it secures the site against all competition that might be considering
the same site. A notice of intent to file for exemption only requires an
acknowledgment, whereas it generally takes about 6 months to obtaLn a
preiiminary permit from the FERC.
The applicant should specifically ask
for any recent additions or changes in the application process. A number
OT' t:ays to simplify the process for small-scale hydropower develc;ofi.lents?
esoecially microhydropower, are currently under study by the Fiti':.
Every hydropower project must have a water right. Filing for a water
righ.:. permit should be one of the developer's first steps, in order to
establish his claim. Since the WDOE issues Washington water ris:lt PY?‘:I:.,.
should be no technical problems in obtaining the permit if 't!-!e
de:claper has already established contact with the WDOE as previotis;),