Contact your State PUC or its equivalent to obtain the necessary
State PUCs are listed in Appendix E-Z.
8.2.3 Use of State Lands
You may need to acquire or use land administered by the state for
your construction site, water conveyance system (penstock or canal),
transmission line, or access roads, or as a source of construction
The beds of navigable streams in most states are owned by the
Different states have different policies for leasing or for
outright sale of the state lands involved. Customarily, the development
site requires full ownership of the land, while rights-of-way for access,
transmission lines, water conveyance systems, and material sources such as
rock require only leases or use permits. Contact the appropriate state
agency to determine what steps you will have to take and to start the
State agencies responsible for administration of state-owned land
and land laws are listed in Appendix E-3.
Most states have land withdrawn or set aside for parks, natural areas,
scenic areas, wild or recreational river segments, wildlife refuges,
mineral sites, and hydropower sites. You should make certain that your
site does not .impinge on any of the withdrawn or reserved areas, since
development of a microhydropower site in these areas will be difficult or
A variety of state agencies administer portions of the state
lands, but a state Department of Lands, or Land Commission, or Department
of Natural Resources usually has maps of state lands and the withdrawn
areas and sites,
as well as personnel familiar with these areas.
8.2.4 Dam Safety and Other Safety Requirements
The responsibility for administering dam safety programs to reduce the
risk of dam failure has been delegated to the states by the Federal
FERC regulations require that a hydropower developer obtain
appropriate permits from an authorized agency.
Normally, you will need a
dam.safety permit if your dam or impounding structure is greater than a
specified height in feet or if your reservoir capacity is greater than a
specified volume in acre feet.
The dam height and water volume