The site must be entirely on non-Federal land.
The principal purpose of the conveyance system must be other than
the generation
electrical power, i.e., water supply for
irrigation, domestic use, industrial use, etc.
No dam can be involved that would not have been built even
without the hydropower generation.
Your application
exemption will be circulated by the FERC to
appropriate Federal agencies for 45 days. If these agencies return no
comments within that period, their acceptance of the application is
The FERC then
another 45 days to act on the application.
If the FERC takes no action within 90 days of the initial filing, the
application for exemption from licensing under Part I of the Federal Power
Act is automatically granted.
If all necessary local and state
requirements have been met, you can now proceed. Case-by-Case Exemption.
If your microhydropower project'
does not qualify for the
of exemption and is not using a man-made
canal or conduit, then your next option is to request a case-by-case
exemption process is similar to that for
conduit exemptions,
but it is broader in coverage and takes 120 days for
automatic approval. The case-by-case exemption covers existing dams and
natural water features--that is, elevation features in streams that lend
themselves to diversions for water power generation without the need for a
dam or.impoundment--on all lands.
For this case, if your project uses an existing dam, it must have been
built prior to April 20,
furthermore, the impoundment cannot be
altered,through reconstruction df an unsafe dam.
The operation of the
project must be acceptable to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or the
The case-by-case
exemption is explained in FERC order No. 106, Docket
ii. RM80-65, which can be found in the Federal Register, Vol 45, No. 224,
November 18, 1980, pp 76,115-76,165.