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..<...“.:‘>: ._. . Aligning and Adjusting Equipment--If the turbine, gen-
erator, and drive system are purchased as separate units, you must attach
them to a frame.
Separate components are lighter to handle during installa-
tion, but some times a shaft alignment is needed.
If a belt drive system
is used, the shafts of the turbine and generator will be parallel, and the
align.ment is not as critical as with direct drive or gear drive systems.
For a belt-drive system,
check the shaft alignment before bolting the gen-
erator and turbine to the frame.
Accurately measure the distance between
the shafts at the motor end; adjust to the same shaft distance at the outer
end by moving one of the components. A large caliper can also be used to
measure the distance. To check vertical alignment, place a level along each
shaft, and shim the front or back of the components to raise or lower the
ends of the shafts as required.
Securely tighten the component that will
not be moved to prepare for tensioning the belt.
The sheaves should then be p
keyways first to ensure that they
shaft, key, and sheave bore with
shaft; they should slip on freely
freely, remove and check the size
aced on the shafts.
Check the shafts and
are smooth and free of burrs.
Wipe the
ight oil. Do not drive the sheaves on the
If the sheaves or keys do not slip on
or correct the problem. Once both sheaves
are in place, tighten one and then place a straight edge across its face,
above the shaft.
Slide the other pulley on its shaft until the sides of its
face evenly touch the straight edge; tighten it in this position. The
sheaves should now be aligned.
A properly designed belt system can be tightened by moving one of its
components, which will have elongated mounting bolt holes. When mounting
the belt(s) do not force it (them) over the sheaves; adjust the component
position 'to allow the belt(s) to slip on easily. Then tension the belts to
the manufacturer's recommendations and tighten the component mounting bolts,
making sure to maintain alignment as described above.
If the motor and generator are directly connected to one another or to
a gear box through couplings, the shafts of the components must be accu-
rately aligned within the manufacturer's tolerances to prevent excessive
' wear on the shafts and bearings. If the couplings are flanges that are an