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New concrete can be bonded to old by wetting the old surface, pl;..:~~.-.
ing it with neat cement (a mixture of cement and water), and pourirg t.117 ~IYJ
concrete before the neat cement has set.
Where two surfaces adjoin F-:: ::-
. will be poured and allowed to harden before pouring the
second, rui;bel. vl:L:i
stops designed to waterproof joints should be installed in the first poul-. Air Entrainment
--The entrainment of air using resirs
or other air-bubble-forming compounds gives the concrete somewhat
grea .~f'
plasticity and freedom from segregation, and increases
its durabiii:d
against freezing and thawing.
Although,the added resins and
the rcs::lt'ry
air voids reduce the strength of the material, the greater workabilit; L:
the air-entrained mixture allows a reduction of water content
arid a kCq'?s~
ratio of course aggregate to fine,
thus compensating for any loss in
strength. Concrete Forms.
Concrete to be placed for slabs, walls, or
columns must be supported in forms.
The purpose of the forms is to contain
the concrete until it has the strength to stand by itself and to prevent.
leakage that will cause the concrete to honeycomb. It is important that the
forms have sufficient strength and rigidity to prevent bulging or sagging,
which will permanently damage the structure.
The pressure on the forms is
equivalent to that of a liquid with the same density as concrete.
The forms
should be left in place 7 days for vertical walls and 28 days for a support
The forms should be checked for line and grade when they are placed.
The interior surface of the forms must be smooth and tight at joints to give
a clean finish to the concrete.
All dirt, shavings, and other debris should
be removed from the forms.
Wood forms should be drenched for l/2 hour or
more before placement of concrete,
since swelling of dry forms in contact
with wet concrete may distort the form.
Forms that are reused should be
thoroughly cleaned and oiled. A light oil should be used, and any excess
should be wiped off to prevent staining the concrete surface.
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