regime that
fish and wi
. navigation,
will sustain all uses of water within the channel irl'ij?
water quality.
Water uses include sur~or: cf
ldlife populations, recreation, hydropower generaticn,
and ecasystm maintenance,
which in turn includes fref4'ri;tcr
inflow to estuaries, rSprian vegetation, and floodplain wetlands.
You can.obtain the minimum flow requirements that must be mot f--
rivers and streams in many areas of the country from the Fish and Wi;i:-:ife
Service and from state Fish and Game agencies. These requirements wil
differ depending on changes in the flow regime patterns. For the
microhydropower developer, localized changes are the major concern, s;i:Le
in many of
projects water will be diverted through a flume cr ??pr-tcck
to a generator at a lowr elevation before being returned to the origIna
stream channel.
projects on the effluent end of liquid waste disposal
operations must maintaSrr sufficient flow tc ensure that the waste stream ic
adequately diluted and that none of the water quality discharge standards
for the watershed are exceeded (e.g., dissolved oxygen, temperature, etc.).
Finally, because klater used to maintain instream flow is usually not
avai 1
able for power production,
the potential e\lergy that can be produced
by a microhydropower project may be less than exgected. This is a mador
concern since your micmhydropower system may be faced with a mismatch
between energy demand and stream flow requirements. Water Quality Changes. Water quality concerns that may be
an issue to the micrahydropower developer include:
a. K. Bayha, "Instream Flow Methodologies for Regional and National
Assessment," Instream Flow Information Paper No. 7, FWS/OBS-781'61,
Cooperative Instream i'r;av Service Group, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Fort Collins, Colorado; unpublished report, 156 pp, 1978.
P. S. Wassenbcrg, 5.. Olive,
L. Demott, C. B. Stalnaker, "Elements in
Negotiating Stream Flus Associated with Federal Projects," Instrea*i! Ficw
Information Paper Ws. 4, FWVOBS-79/03, Fort Collins, Colorado,
4i pp,
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