1. Definition of Some Nuclear Engineering Terms 841
VIe. Nuclear Heat Generation
In Chapter IVa, we treated the volumetric heat generation rate, q
as a known
quantity. The internal heat generation in a substance may be due to various proc-
esses such as electrical resistance, chemical, or nuclear reactions. If the internal
heat generation is due to an electrical resistance, then the calculation of
rather trivial. Examples of chemical heat generation include the exothermic reac-
tion of some alloys with water at high temperatures. Zircaloy, for example, reacts
with water at elevated temperatures to produce heat and hydrogen gas. In the case
of the nuclear reaction, however, calculation of the volumetric heat generation rate
is more involved since it requires the study of neutron transport as a result of neu-
tron-nucleus interactions. This is further complicated by the interdependency of
neutron populations on the state of the medium, such as the composition, pressure,
and temperature. In this chapter we first introduce several key terms that play ma-
jor roles in nuclear engineering. This is followed by the derivation of the neutron
transport equation, which is difficult to solve. Therefore, we introduce the appli-
cation of Fick’s law as our constitutive equation to turn the neutron transport
equation into an equation known as the neutron diffusion equation. This is be-
cause the neutron diffusion equation provides nearly accurate results for many ap-
plications and has the additional advantage of being amenable to even analytical
solutions for some familiar geometries. We then proceed to find the rate of nu-
clear heat generation from fission. Finally, we investigate the effect of the neutron
flux on temperature distribution in conventional reactor cores.
1. Definition of Some Nuclear Engineering Terms
1.1. Definitions Pertinent to the Atom and the Nucleus
Atom is defined as the smallest unit of an element that can combine with other
elements. Democritus in the fifth century B.C. believed that an atom is the sim-
plest thing from which all other things are made. The Greek word atomos means
indivisible. It was not until the early 20
century that subatomic particles were
identified and the structure of the atom was described in terms of the nucleus and
electrons. The nucleus consists of positively charged protons and neutral neu-
trons. The protons and neutrons are tightly clustered in the nucleus. The nega-
tively charged electrons encircle the nucleus on far away orbits. Indeed the dis-
tance between the closest electron orbit to the nucleus is about 100,000 times the
radius of the nucleus. Even further away is the neighboring nucleus, which is as
far away as about 200,000 times the radius of the nucleus. The diameter of an
atom is generally expressed in terms of angstrom (A
), which is 1E–10 m. For ex-
ample, the diameter of a chlorine atom is 2 A
. The hydrogen atom has the sim-
plest structure. Its nucleus consists of a proton with one electron in its orbit,
which makes the atom neutral. Helium has two protons and two neutrons in the
nucleus with two electrons orbiting the nucleus. There are a maximum number of