Springer Handbook of Condensed Matter and Materials Data
Organization of the Handbook
Part 1 covers the fundamentals of the physics of condensed matter.
Fundamental physical constants are qualitatively described and recently
recommended numerical values are presented. A short review of The
International System of Units (SI) is given and the concepts of base
physical quantities and derived physical quantities on which the SI is
founded is explained. A number of non-SI units which are still in use
are also discussed. Periodic solids are used to introduce basics of modern
Part 1 General Tables
1 The Fundamental Constants
2 The International System
of Units (SI), Physical Quantities,
and Their Dimensions
3 Rudiments of Crystallography
Part 2 The Elements provides tables of the physical and physicochemical
properties of the elements. Emphasis is placed on properties of the elements
in the condensed state. Most of the tables deal with the properties of
elements of one particular group of the Periodic Table. Only the elements of
the first period, the lanthanides, and the actinides are arranged according to
the periods. This synoptic representation is intended to provide a transparent
overview of the trends in the data.
Part 2 The Elements
1 The Elements
Part 3 Classes of Materials starts with the selective treatment of metals
that are applied as base and alloying elements of metallic materials. The
next class of materials discussed are ceramics. Detailed groupings and
definitions of technical ceramics are given and traditional ceramics and
cements, silicate ceramics, refractory ceramics, oxide ceramics, and non-
oxide ceramics are treated. The physical and physicochemical properties of
those polymers, copolymers, and polymer blends which are widely used for
scientific applications and in industry are described in the next chapter. The
last chapter serves as a source of data and commercial product information
on glasses as engineering materials of practical importance.
Part 3 Classes of Materials
2 Ceramics
3 Polymers
4 Glasses
Part 4 covering functional materials is organized in a two-step approach.
The first step corresponds to searching for the substance of interest, that
is, the relevant group of substances. The second step corresponds to
the physical property of interest. Materials covered are semiconductors,
superconductors, magnetic materials, dielectrics and electrooptics, and
ferro- and antiferroelectrics.
Part 4 Functional Materials
1 Semiconductors
2 Superconductors
3 Magnetic Materials
4 Dielectrics and Electrooptics
5 Ferroelectrics and Antiferroelectrics
Part 5 covers special structures such as liquid crystals, solid surfaces and
mesoscopic and nanostructured materials. The chapter on liquid crystals
covers physical properties of the most common liquid crystalline substances
as well as some liquid crystalline mixtures. Data compiled in the chapter
on solid surfaces refer to atomically clean and well characterized surfaces.
The values reported are mainly averages from different authors where
reference to the original papers is made. In the chapter on nanostructured
materials emphasis is placed on size and confinement effects. The properties
associated with electronic confinement areaddressed and particular attention
is drawn to semiconductor-doped matrices. The two main applications of
nanostructured magnetic materials, spintronics and ultrahigh-density data
storage media, are also treated.
Part 5 Special Structures
1 Liquid Crystals
2 The Physics of Solid Surfaces
3 Mesoscopic and Nanostructured