Mesoscopic and Nanostructured Materials 3.4 Magnetic Nanostructures 1049
annual compound growth rate. The changes of the head
technology first from thin-film heads to magnetoresis-
tive heads and then to read heads based on the GMR
effect [3.86, 87] have enabled enormous increases in
volumetric storage capacity.
The overall gain in areal density has been achieved
by scaling the complete disk drive system. The medium
has to accommodate smaller bit dimensions and smaller
transition widths between written bits. However, the
optimization also includes more sensitive read/write
heads, improving the signal processing and coding, and
improving the head–disk tribology. A good discussion
of these aspects can be found in [3.88].
Progress in this field would not be possible without
the maturity of growth techniques such as electron- or
ion-beam lithography, and molecular-beam epitaxy and
the ability to manufacture devices on a nanometric scale
by nanoimprinting lithography. Another essential point
has been the addition of magnetic contrast to near-field
microscopy and electron microscopy (magnetic-force
and Lorentz microscopy, respectively). These new tools
permit us to establish a link between magnetism and
structure on the atomic scale.
We have selected here some examples to illustrate
the state of the art in nanometric nanostructures, keeping
as the main idea the impact of the underlying technolog-
ical breakthrough. We focus our attention on two very
active fields: magnetoresistive nanometric multilayers
for spin electronics, and magnetic dots for ultrahigh-
density storage media. Spin Electronics
Conventional electronic devices are based on charge
transport, and their performance is limited by the speed
of the carriers (electrons) and the dissipation of their
energy. Conventional electronics has ignored the spin
of the electron. Nevertheless, in every wire or de-
vice, approximately 50% of the conducting electrons
are generally spin-up and the remainder spin-down
(where “up” or “down” relate to some locally induced
quantization axis). Spin electronics,orspintronics,is
a new field of electronics which relies on the different
transport properties of majority-spin and minority-spin
electrons. Mott postulated the basis of spin electron-
ics in the mid-1930s: he attributed certain anomalies
in the electrical transport behavior of metallic ferro-
magnets to the fact that the spin-up and spin-down
conduction electrons are two independent families of
charge carriers, each with its own distinct transport
properties [3.89].
The Concepts of Spin Accumulation
and Spin Diffusion Length
The other necessary ingredient of this model is that the
two families contribute very differently to the electrical
transport processes. This may be because the number
densities of the carrier types are different, or it may
because they have different mobilities. In either case,
the asymmetry which makes spin-up electrons behave
differently from spin-down ones arises because the fer-
romagnetic exchange field causes a splitting between
the spin-up and spin-down conduction bands, leaving
different band structures evident at the Fermi surface.
In nonmagnetic materials, the two spin channels are
equivalent because they have the same density of states
(DOS) at the Fermi energy. In a magnetic material, the
spin polarization is defined as the ratio of the differ-
ence between the populations in the up and down spin
channels to the total number of carriers at the Fermi
SP =
. (3.11)
Clearly, if there is a nonzero spin polarization, the num-
bers of electrons participating in the conduction process
are different for the two spin channels. More subtly, this
implies that the susceptibilities to scattering of the two
spin types are different, and this in turn leads to different
mobilities [3.90].
Let us consider two spin channels of different mo-
bility. When an electric field is applied to the metal,
there is a shift in momentum space ∆k of the spin-up
and spin-down Fermi surfaces in accordance with the
F = eE =
where F is the force on the carrier, E is the electric field,
e is the electronic charge, and τ is the electron scattering
time. Since the channels have different mobilities, this
shift is different for the spin-up and spin-down Fermi
surfaces, as illustrated in Fig. 5.3-18.
As a consequence, if a current is passed from such
a spin-asymmetric material, for example cobalt, into
a paramagnetic material such assilver (which has no spin
asymmetry between spin channels), there is a net influx
into the silver of up-spins over down-spins. Thus, a sur-
plus of up-spins appears in the silver, and with it a small
associated magnetic moment per unit volume. This sur-
plus is known as a spin accumulation. Evidently, for
a constant current flow, the spin accumulation cannot in-
crease indefinitely. The spin-up electrons injected across
Part 5 3.4