lx table of cases
Nottebohm case (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) (Second Phase) [22 ILR
349] 83, 110, 135, 217, 258, 648, 656, 660–1, 813–14, 816, 1004
Nova Scotia/Newfoundland case (First Phase) [128 ILR 425] 122, 905
Nuclear Tests case (Australia v. France) (Interim Measures) [57 ILR 360]
1038 n120, 1071, 1094
Nuclear Tests case (New Zealand v. France), Request for an Examination
of the Situation in Accordance with Paragraph 63 of the Court’s
Judgment of 20 December 1974 in the Nuclear Tests (New Zealand
v. France) Case (Order) [106 ILR 1] 122 n217, 610, 850 n23, 852,
867, 868, 889, 1064, 1067, 1085, 1107–8
Nuclear Tests case (New Zealand v. France) [106 ILR 1] 122
Nuclear Tests cases (Judgments) [57 ILR 398, 57 ILR 605] 104, 122,
610, 806, 854, 889, 903, 905, 1069, 1070–1, 1088, 1092, 1098,
Nuclear Weapons case: see Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear
Weapons, Request for an Advisory Opinion by the United Nations
General Assembly [110 ILR 163]; Legality of the Use by a State of
Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict (Request by the World Health
Organization for an Advisory Opinion) [110 ILR 1]
Nulyarimma and Others v. Thompson; Buzzacott v. Minister for the
Environment and Others [120 ILR 353] 147 n88, 167 n198
Re OLaighl
eis (Lawless) [24 ILR 420] 170 n217
Ocalan v. Turkey 349 n22
O’Connell Machinery Company v. MV Americana and Italia Di
Navigazione SpA [81 ILR 539] 742
Oder Commission case (Territorial Jurisdiction of the International
CommissionoftheRiverOder)[5AD83et al.] 851, 883 n214, 935
Office of Fair Trading v. Lloyds TSB Bank plc 654 n37
Oil Platforms (Counterclaims) case [130 ILR 174; 130 ILR 280] 1097
Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America)
(Merits) [130 ILR 174; 130 ILR 323] 935, 1067, 1072, 1086, 1091,
1092 n231, 1133, 1141, 1142, 1147 n146
Oil Platforms (Preliminary Objections) case [130 ILR 174; 130 ILR 186]
Opel Austria GmbH v. Council of the European Union (Case T-115/94)
[113 ILR 295] 104 n139
Open Door and Dublin Well Woman v. Ireland 273
Oppenheimer v. Cattermole (Inspector of Taxes); Nothman v. Cooper
(Inspector of Taxes) [72 ILR 446] 139, 186 n308