table of treaties and agreements xciii
Treaty of Peace with Hungary ......1109–10
Treaty of Peace with Italy ......987, 995
Annex IV ......294 n163
Treaty of Peace with Romania ......1109–10
USA–UN, Headquarters Agreement ......1319–20
art. V
section 15 ......1324
section 18 ......1324
art. VIII
section 20 ......1324
section 21 ......1305 n100, 1320
American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man ......381, 389
American Treaty of Pacific Settlement (Pact of Bogot
a) ......1031
art. 31 ......1080
art. 32 ......1080
Charter of the Organisation of American States (Bogot
(as amended by Protocols of Buenos Aires (1967), Cartagena de
Indias (1985), Washington (1992) and Managua (1993)) ......
art. 9 [12] ......448, 1014
art. 17 ......469 n104
art. 20 ......1031 n121
art. 22 ......1276 n355
art. 23 ......1030–1
arts. 82–90 ......1031
art. 98 ......694 n253
China–UK, Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong ......539
Convention for the Establishment of the Intergovernmental Maritime
[Consultative] Organisation ......1015, 1035
Genocide Convention ......46, 95, 269, 276 n67, 280, 282–5, 422, 431,
918–19, 984, 1079
art. 3 ......1092
art. 4 ......430 n183
art. 6 ......410
art. 9 ......283–5, 1079
Italy–USA, Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation ......822
Universal Declaration of Human Rights ......46, 278–81, 659 n59