cxxii table of treaties and agreements
art. 45 ......392
arts. 47–54 ......393
art. 50 ......273 n47
art. 55 ......393
art. 56 ......393
art. 58(1) ......393
art. 58(2) ......393
art. 58(3) ......393
art. 62 ......394
Protocol on the Establishment of an African Court of Human Rights
art. 5 ......394
art. 34(6) ......394–5
Convention for Co-operation in the Protection and Development of the
Marine and Coastal Environment of the Wider Caribbean
Region ......898 n314
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal
Areas of the South-East Pacific (Lima) and Protocols ......898
Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of
Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief (UNGA resolution
36/55) ......287, 305
Iran–US, Claims Settlement Declaration ......818
art. III ......1044
art. IV ......1044
art. V ......1043–4
Treaty Establishing the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States ......
1276 n355
art. 14(3) ......1022 n65, 1023
UK–Philippines, Investment Agreement ......839 n356
UK–USA, Agreement on Vessels Trafficking in Drugs ......619
France, FRG, UK, US, Agreement Concerning Interim Arrangements
Relating to Polymetallic Nodules of the Deep Seabed ......631
FRG–Switzerland, Agreement on the Siting of Nuclear Power
Installations ......866 n116
ILA Montreal Rules on Transfrontier Pollution ......856
art. 3 ......857
art. 5 ......864