cliv table of treaties and agreements
art. 23 ......1007, 1008 n262
art. 24 ......1007–8
art. 26 ......1007 n260
Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities ......385 n238
Israel–Palestinian Authority, Protocol Establishing Safe-Passage between
Gaza and the West Bank ......247
Israel–Palestinian Authority, Sharm el Sheikh Memorandum ......247
European Charter of Fundamental Rights ......371
art. 20 ......371
art. 21 ......371
ILA International Instrument on the Protection of the Environment
from Damage Caused by Space Debris (Buenos Aires) ......547,
art. 4(e) ......1016 n28
art. 8 ......882
African Union, Constitutive Act
art. 3 ......1293
art. 4 ......1293
Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security Co-operation ......526
Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory
Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean ......
Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment ......552
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (Stockholm) ......874
ILC Articles on State Responsibility (including earlier drafts) ......
780–1, 785
art. 1 ......781
art. 2 ......782
art. 3 ......782
art. 4 ......786–7
art. 5 ......787–8
art. 6 ......788
art. 7 ......789
art. 8 ......789–90, 791