cxliv table of treaties and agreements
art. 21 ......240, 1291
art. 22 ......240, 1291
art. 23 ......240–1, 1291
art. 27 ......1291
art. 28 ......1291
art. 30 ......1291
art. 31 ......1291
art. 32 ......1291
art. 33 ......1291
China–Taiwan, Agreements Concerning Cross-Straits Activities ......
235 n197
China–UK, Exchange of Notes with regard to Liability for Damages
Arising During the Launch Phase of Asiasat Satellite ......546
CIS Treaty on Economic Union ......241, 1291–2
Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna ......628
n367, 637–8
art. 16 ......637–8
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production,
Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their
Destruction ......1188 n111, 1189
Cotonou Peace Agreement (Libya) ......1277
Council of Europe Convention on Civil Liability for Environmental
Damage ......858
art. 2(7) ......858
art. 2(10) ......858
Declaration of Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources
in Outer Space (UNGA resolution 47/68) ......547, 881 n206
Holy See–Israel, Fundamental Agreement ......244 n241
Hungary–Slovakia, Special Agreement for the Submission of a Dispute
to the ICJ ......887
Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Agreement ......628 n367
Israel–Palestine Liberation Organisation, Declaration of Principles on
Interim Self-Government ......246
Israel–Palestine Liberation Organisation, Exchange of Letters of Mutual
Recognition and Commitment to the Peace Process ......246 n252
OAU Declaration on a Mechanism for Conflict Prevention,
Management and Resolution (Cairo Declaration) ......1027–8
Rwanda–UN, Agreement on the Status of UN Mission ......1233 n143