tableofcases xxxv
Congo v. Belgium (Arrest Warrant case) [128 ILR 60] 82, 112, 397 n4,
653, 654 n38, 666, 669 n102, 674, 739, 1067 n66, 1069 n84, 1070,
1088, 1102
Congo v. France 1095 n249
Congo v. Rwanda 285, 921, 925 n109, 1067 n73, 1070 n89, 1071 n29,
1075, 1085, 1093 n238
Congo v. Uganda 178 n147, 752, 755–6, 765, 801 n149, 1066, 1067 n65,
1071 n100, 1090, 1091, 1096, 1097 n261, 1101 n293, 1103–4, 1116
n374, 1127 n43, 1135–6, 1138 n98, 1142, 1143 n122, 1152 n174,
1153, 1177, 1180, 1181, 1270
Consortium X v. Swiss Federal Government 1322 n180
Constitutional Court case 387 n247
Construction of a Wall case [129 ILR 37] 83, 88, 107, 110, 255, 276, 322,
798 n127, 801 n149, 804 n167, 935 n156, 1060 n17, 1108 n335,
1109, 1111, 1135, 1176 n43, 1177, 1178 n55, 1179, 1180 n62, 1181,
1200 n179
Controller and Auditor General (New Zealand) v. Sir Ronald Davidson
Cook v. United States (The Mazel Tov)[6AD3]158,164
Coreck Maritime GmbH v. Sevrybokholodflot [107 ILR 658] 961 n22
Corfu Channel case (United Kingdom v. Albania) (Merits) [16 AD 155]
101, 107 n156, 109 n170, 213–14, 280 n81, 575–6, 610, 781 n20,
784–6, 806, 852, 854, 863, 936 n162, 1073, 1077–8, 1089 nn208 and
215, 1092, 1104, 1127, 1148, 1187 n105, 1221
Corfu Channel case (United Kingdom v. Albania) (Preliminary
Objection) [15 AD 349] 1076–7
Cornejo v. County of San Diego 159 n155
Corporacion Venezolana de Fomento v. Vintero Sales Corporation et al.
[63 ILR 299, 63 ILR 477] 721 n131
Corrie v. Caterpillar 191
Costa v. ENEL (Ente Nazionale Energia Elettrica) (Case 6/64) [93 ILR
23] 178, 241, 1297 n64
Council of Civil Service Unions v. Minister for the Civil Service 149, 181
n269, 187
The Cristina (Compa
ıa Naviera Vascongado v. SS Cristina)[9AD250]
144, 653, 702–3, 705
Croatia et al. v. Girocredit Bank AG der Sparkassen 991 n190
Crotty v. An Taoiseach and Others [93 ILR 480] 170 n217
Currie case 321
Cutting case 664–5