lviii table of cases
The Navemar (Compa
ıa Espa
nola de Navegaci
on SA v. The Navemar
et al.) [9 AD 176] 194 n359, 703–4
Neer Case [3 AD 213] 783, 824
Neger v. Hesse [52 ILR 329] 733 n154
Netherlands v. Parliament and Council (2001) 371
Neumeister case (Merits) [41 ILR 316] 806 n114
New England Merchants National Bank and Others v. Iran Power
Generation and Transmission Company and Others [63 ILR 408,
63 ILR 497] 742
Re Newfoundland: see Reference re the Seabed and Subsoil of the
Continental Shelf Offshore Newfoundland [86 ILR 593]
Ng v. Canada (Communication No. 469/1991) [98 ILR 479] 321
Nguyen Tuong Van v. Public Prosecutor (Singapore) [134 ILR 660] 167
Nicaragua v. Colombia 1069 n82, 1075, 1080
Nicaragua v. Honduras (Border and Transborder Armed Actions) [84
ILR 218] 104, 1017, 1031 n122, 1065, 1070 n88, 1080, 1088
Nicaragua v. Honduras (Territorial and Maritime Dispute in the
Caribbean Sea) 116 n374, 509 n116, 510, 514, 524 n210, 530, 537
n227, 553, 559 n25, 569, 591, 592 n179, 680, 785, 1069 n83, 1090,
1116 n374
Nicaragua v. United States (Military and Paramilitary Activities in and
against Nicaragua) (El Salvador Intervention) [76 ILR 1, 76 ILR 74]
1098, 1099 n274
Nicaragua v. United States (Military and Paramilitary Activities in and
against Nicaragua) (Judgment) [76 ILR 349] 77–8, 85, 86, 87, 88,
96–7, 99 n111, 115, 116, 117, 118, 122 n218, 124 nn228 and 232,
212, 542, 571 n87, 610 n298, 680, 785, 790, 903 n7, 1078, 1085,
1087, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1092, 1124 n29, 1128, 1132–3, 1134–5,
1138–41, 1147–8, 1152, 1153, 1157 n200, 1188, 1193–4, 1195 n142,
Nicaragua v. United States (Military and Paramilitary Activities in and
against Nicaragua) (Jurisdiction and Admissibility) [76 ILR 104]
903 n7, 945, 1013, 1025, 1026 n81, 1066, 1068, 1078, 1079, 1083,
1085 n183, 1091, 1098
Nicaragua v. United States (Military and Paramilitary Activities in and
against Nicaragua) (Provisional Measures) [76 ILR 1, 76 ILR 35]
794, 1094
Re Nicolo and Another [93 ILR 286] 174 n215